“Good to see you,” Bellamygreeted.

Alex smiled, but it was small, not at all like his usual widegrin.

“Harlow,” he said, directing his attention to me, “do you mind if we talk in your room?” I looked to Knix, but he didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what else to say, so I nodded. Alex stood and followedme.

* * *

My bedroom felttiny with Alex in it. He sat at the desk and I sat on my bed, but we were barely a few feet away from each other. We might as well have been sitting side by side. I stared at the light purple comforter that someone had changed out for me since I had been gone. I suspected it was Knix. He seemed to like doing laundry when he was thinking – or really any sort of chore. It baffledme.

"Knix told me about what happened last night," Alex began. I had rarely ever heard him so stern and serious. I raised my eyes from my comforter and looked at him head on. "Do you know the girl's name?" he asked. I shook my head and he sighed. Silencereigned.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I met his gaze and sat straighter. "What's going to happen now?" Iasked.

He shook his head. "A team will be sent in just to check things out," he replied. "It's a very serious accusation. None of the girls have been willing to let Marv interview them. The families areworried."

"And the police?" I was shaky as I asked because, truthfully, a part of me didn't want the police to be called.Iwanted to go.Iwanted to be the one to find whoever hurt that girl from the club. It's not like I would be super badass and take him down in handcuffs or anything. We weren't cops. I wasn't a cop. I just wanted to kick him in the balls...while wearing heels...a couple hundredtimes.

Alex sighed. "Like I said, Harlow, it's a very seriousaccusation–"

"Do you believe me?" I asked suddenly. "Do you believeher?"

Alex stared at me. "I have to look at this objectively, Harlow. A person's first instinct is to believe the victim. So, yes, in theory, I believe you and her, but I also know that my judgment is clouded. I trust you, kiddo, of course I believe you. I know what kind of young woman you are – trustworthy, hardworking,reliable."

"I want to go," Isaid.

Alex looked at me like he was sizing me up for something, not looking at all surprised. "Why?" heasked.

I blinked. I don't know what I had been expecting, but I wasn't so sure it had been that. I broke his gaze and looked down, thinking. "I want to go because ofher."

It hurt to picture her face again and made the anger return full force, but I did so anyway. The girl had been withered in my mind, on the edge of a long platform that drifted into nothingness. I could see it in her eyes and it scared me. I finally realized why. Her eyes had reminded me of my mom's...back before...when things were bad and when she was different. When the medicine hadn't been working as well and I hadn't been around to help asmuch.

"Okay," Alexsaid.

I jerked my eyes up to meet his. "Okay?" Iasked.

He nodded. "Okay," he repeated. "I already told Knix that I thought this team would be the best to deal with it. Black teams always have the most diversity. He told me you demanded to be included and I wanted to know why. I think I seewhy."

There was no way I had said my thoughts aloud...right?

Alex smiled at me as he stood and placed a wide palm on my shoulder. "Knix will handle everything. Just follow your team lead and trust in your teammates. Let them lead and teach you. Lean on them for support." His hand slipped away as he headed for the door, but a moment later, Alex paused – his hand on the knob. "When you return," he said, looking back at me, "I want you to think about what your next stepis."

"What do you mean?" My hands gripped the comforter, squeezing,unsure.

His smile faded. "Everyone has their niche, Harlow. I want you to think about finding yours. If you want to go to school, let us know. We canhelp."

"O-okay," I saidshakily.

He opened the door. "And Harlow?" Alex twisted to look at me over his shoulder. "Don't kill the boys,yea?"

I laughed as he shut the door behind him. I was still laughing when I let myself fall back against the warm fluffy pillows.Mekillthem? I thought. Fatchance.