Chapter 5

I'm convinced that the guys are all aliens, born of the sun because they all rise together in as much the same disposition. I had never met so many morning people in my whole life – not even when I had worked full time at Alex’s Diner. When I was in school and working, the lack of sleep was a constant pain that I had to ignore or else there would be no peace of mind. But, dammit, it was summer time. I knew I had just graduated and all, but just one day to sleep in would have beennice.

Marv was already dressed and at the kitchen counter with the paper in one hand and a cup of black coffee in the other. He inhaled the smell of the bitter liquid before taking a long drawn out sip and smiled when he saw me enter. I narrowed my gaze at him as I strode through the kitchen in workout clothes with bags under my eyes. Texas was right. Naps were for people who wanted to keep living outside of prison. Promising myself as many naps as I wanted later was sometimes the only way that my body allowed me to get out of bed so early. I was gettingspoiled.

Knix smiled at me over his shoulder, dressed in much the same fashion as he flipped an omelet onto a plate and slid it down the counter for me to pick up and take to the table. I nodded my thanks and sat down between Bellamy and Texas who both had their own plates piled high with omelets, bacon, and ham. I wrinkled my nose at the ham, but snagged a few slices of bacon for myself as well as the ketchup and orange juicecarton.

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked. "Other than getting my butt handed to me, yetagain."

A round of chuckles surrounded me, and I grinned as I squirted ketchup over my omelet. Marv took a seat, wrinkling his nose at the red smear. I smiled and pouredmore.

"Jesus, Harlow," Texas was the first to speak up. "It looks like a crime scene on your plate, lighten up, willya?"

I laughed and set the ketchup bottle aside before digging into my food. Thanks to Knix and Bellamy's cooking, I had gained a good five to ten pounds in the last month. I winced thinking about how tight my jeans were getting, but who was I to turn down good food? According to Texas, cheese and chocolate made the world go 'round. There were a lot of things Texas said that sounded weird at first, but, strangely enough, madesense.

Knix strode over and set his own plate down before taking a seat. "Well, if you've improved any, you might not be getting your butt handed to you today," he said with asmirk.

I rolled my eyes and stuffed a bite of egg in my mouth. "So says the one who regularly hands my butt back to me after kicking it thoroughly," I said after Iswallowed.

Knix rolled back his shoulders and laughed. "Oh, don't worry, Little Bit, I'll give you ahandicap."

"You always give me a handicap," I muttered as I shoveled another bite into mymouth.

"I'm heading out to do some more interviewing." Marv set his paper aside and looked down at the plate in front of him. He reached for his coffee and downed the rest, standing up to refillit.

Knix sighed, but didn't say anything. Texas, Bellamy, and I glanced between the two of them wondering what was off. I was the only one with the guts to say something. "What'swrong?"

Knix shot me a look, but didn't reply. Marv placed the carafe of coffee back onto its warmer and took a gulp before he turned back around and faced us. "I'm going as a family friend," he said, looking atKnix.

Knix closed his eyes and reopened them as he placed his silverware down on the table at either side of his plate. "I just don't want you to get your hopes up," he said. "If Alex says no, then that's it. We can't getinvolved."

"Why does Alex have such a say in what you guys do?" Iasked.

Bellamy and Texas shared alook.

"Now's not the time, Little Bit. I'll tell you more later." Knix turned back to Marv. "Just try to keep it quiet and I'll talk to Alex today. I'm taking Harlow to lunch at the diner and I'll ask him about itthen."

"You are?" When Knix gave me a look, I realized what he was saying. We would be meeting Grayson there. "Oh, right." I sank into my chair and shoved another bite in mymouth.

Marv nodded before retaking his seat. "If I wait until you get back from the diner, would it be alright if Harlow went?" Marvasked.

I looked up, across the table. Knix nodded towards me. "You'll have to askher."

Marv's gaze turned in mydirection.

"Sure," I said. "I cancome."

With that Marv smiled and the tense atmosphere was broken. Texas began talking animatedly about a new phone application he had just found, and I smiled and teased him about being a nerd. He raised a brow at me, promising retribution in the future. By the end of breakfast, the sink was piled high with dishes and Bellamy, Texas, and Marv each helped clean away the morning's mess. I tried to stay and help, but each of them quirked a brow at me and smirked, shaking their heads and urging meoutside.

Texas grinned, and I pouted. "Go get your ass handed to you,Little Bit," heteased.

I growled at him and flung one of the dish towels in his direction before turning around and stomping back to my room for my tennis shoes. Closing the door behind me, I snatched my shoes at the foot of my bed and sat down, pulling my phoneout.

Harlow:Meet at Alex's Diner forlunch.

Almost instantaneously there was areply.

Grayson:Will you be coming alone? Do you need me to pick youup?