My foot tapped with increasing speed against the asphalt as seconds turned into minutes. I wouldn’t consider myself an impatient person, but I was cold and just finished my period and really fucking craving chocolate cake. Frankly, I was not in the mood for this shit. The only other option for me was jail…though that was looking more and more appealing as the seconds droned on.

I was just about to say piss off and head inside when a herd of taxis pulled up to the curb.

The first taxi had a petite, wide-eyed female stepping out. The second, an unfamiliar male.

And then I saw him.

My body stilled, heart hammering against my rib cage. My breath left me in a swooping exhale.

I could scarcely believe what I was seeing. After a moment, I pinched myself.

Nope. Still awake.

“Beau?” I gasped, tongue turning to cotton at the sight of my best friend.

My well-behaved, straight-A student best friend. The angel to my devil best friend. The victim to my—well, you get the idea.

His blond hair was tousled, longer at the top and shorter on the sides, and he wore a fitted blue shirt that heightened the blue of his eyes. His face had always been handsome, chiseled marble, and his pouty lips were curved downward as he surveyed the school with a clinical detachment.

At my voice, his eyes flickered toward mine. Surprise crossed his face followed by something akin to relief. In three long strides, he was in front of me.

He raised a brow, the eloquent gesture saying what he never would.

Why are you here?

“Why are you here?” I countered. What I really wanted to ask was, “Did you follow me?”

But his face had held nothing but genuine surprise at seeing me, and it was illogical to believe he would willingly follow me to a school for troubled teens.

The last time I had seen Beau…

I couldn’t complete that thought. My memories of those days were a blur, a combination, I was sure, of drugs and alcohol. My last vivid memory was Mom shoving me into a taxi with only my suitcase and the damn pamphlet.

And then the incident. It played on repeat in my head.

Shivering, I stepped into Beau’s embrace.

The heat he emitted was almost palpable, and I found myself nuzzling his neck. I had missed him. I hadn’t even realized how much until I came face to face with him.

How would I have survived the rest of high school without him?

“What are you doing here?” I repeated, pulling away to survey his face. His brow furrowed, a tiny crease appearing between his eyes, before he shrugged.

Movement over his shoulder captured my attention.

More people exited the various taxis. A pretty girl with light brown hair. Two more boys.

My eyes became locked on the taxi driver’s. I blinked rapidly, unable to correlate what I saw with what I knew. Surely, it was a trick of the light.

In that brief moment, it almost appeared as if the lady had black eyes. And I don’t mean eyes so brown they’re black, but legit black eyes.

Obsidian stone black eyes. Supernatural television show black eyes.

Before I could formulate a question, the taxis pulled away.

Definitely a trick of the light.

Beau tapped my shoulder, face creased with concern.