Page 10 of Demon's Joy

“Don’t worry, buddy, we’ll get you a bath. Come on. A nice warm bubbly bath will make you feel all better!” Joy slides off of Dem’s back and pulls out a corner of a cookie to tempt Cal.

“Bath? Joy’s gonna give him a bath? Getting her clothes all wet…” Bryn immediately rolls into the shitpile.

“Blitzen, no!” she screeches, but it’s too late. Bryn comes up with a brown stripe on his back that is not natural coloring.

Idiots. I’m in a murder full of fooking idiots.

Joy gathers up the reins for both of them. “You two are seriously out of control.” She gives them a dark look, but it’s undermined by the baby voice she uses for us. “Come on, you dopes.”

Bryn looks back at me smugly. “I’m getting a bath! Our Center’s hands are going to be all over me—”

Just then, we round the corner and find Blizzard, the cherub who’d been tending to the stables earlier. He’s bundled up in a thick white snowsuit, only his balding blond head exposed.

“Joy! I was just looking for you! I didn’t find a sleigh—”

“Oh, it was down this way.” Joy gestures smoothly behind us. “Got it all worked out, but these two got into some stinky stuff.”

Blizzard’s nose crinkles as he gets a whiff. “Ugh. I can see that.”

“So, if you could give them a bath, that’d be great!” She smiles brightly and forces the reins for Cal and Bryn into his hands before she turns towards me and Dem. “Come on, you two. You can help me bake the cookies while they get all clean.”

I cannae help the way my shoulders shake with laughter at Bryn’s heartbroken expression. I turn away and trot behind Joy without an ounce of regret, not even startled when Gus lands next to me and starts to walk alongside me. Apparently, even a right arsehole like himself can’t stay away from our mate more than a few seconds. He can be pissed all he wants, but I see the way he looks at her. The way wealllook at her.

The blizzard lets up, and a bit of sun peeks through. What more could a guy want? My soulmate’s in front of me, ass swaying, we’re on our way to make cookies…

Oh yeah…a body that’s notthis fooking bullshit. That’s what more I could want.