Page 34 of Demon's Joy

Joy shares a wide-eyed, disbelieving look of amusement with me. “I’m a genius,” she whispers.

My heart fucking soars like Icarus wearing his wax wings and looping too near the sun, not caring that the flight might be the death of me, not caring about the next second, the drip of wax that will spell my doom, not caring about anything but this very moment where I feel weightless.

Joy and I. I and Joy. We. Share. A. Moment.

And I’m so utterly caught up in it that I don’t even notice till afterwards that my mind was writing sonnets to her.

Anything. I will do anything for this woman.

That includes flying directly into a thick snow storm that’s just started up. We wheel through the air, underneath dark grey clouds that cast a shadow over a realm that’s usually merry and bright. It’s almost as if the sky itself is crying for Santa and the cherubs, for the Christmas joy that is being devoured by the demons. I tug Joy closer to my chest, sharing my body heat with her and simultaneously trying to shield her from the snow as we move towards Santa’s Workshop, which is currently sporting a giant hole in the roof.

Here we go. “We’re gonna rock around their Christmas tree!” I declare.

Joy gives me a confused look.

Nico, because he’s an asshole, calls out, “You gonna blow them or something?”

Fuck. “That came out wrong.”

Joy grins. “No worries. Let me try. We’re gonna jingle their bells!”

“Oh no you will not!” Dem growls. “You don’t jingle any bells but ours.”

Damn right she won’t.

Bryn yawns. “How about we’re just gonna par-rum-pa-pum-pum… Never mind.”

Christmas sayings weren’t meant to be badass apparently.

We’re going to find some demons and fuck them up.