Page 33 of Demon's Joy

I try to shove aside my power for a second and think clearly. “What if we just imprison them? What if we catch and restrain and bind them somehow?”

Joy claps her hands together and leaves them in a prayer position as she points at me. “That. Yes! Let’s do that! If we get them locked up, Dad can handle them. We really just need to free him.”

I love the way her eyes shimmer when she looks at me, as though a bowl of sugar has tipped over and the sweet sparkles are coating me in—I swear I’m gonna punch myself in the face if this poetry bullshit keeps up.

I take a step closer to Joy, despite the fact that she turns my brain into an emo punk writing crappy love songs in the margins of his notebook during class. I can’t help it. That smile calls to me—

I’m smug when I cut that thought off before I can think something ridiculous. A smile even curves my lips upwards, which is rare for a wrath demon.

Joy’s intake of breath isn’t subtle. Neither is the way her eyes dilate as we stare at each other. I want to grab her so badly, it fucking hurts. But I’m not going to touch her until I’ve proven myself to her. Proven that all these years, I’ve been in love with her, whether either of us knew it or not.

I need her to give us a shot.

And I’m going to earn it.

I let my eyes burn into hers as I promise, “We’ll do whatever it takes.”

She swallows hard and gives a single nod.


That one little gesture of approval has my heart doing the tango, a rumba…no. No, my heart is not fucking dancing and flicking its wrist. It’s a fucking monster truck, roaring through the air and landing with a satisfying smash on a bunch of cars in a delicious crunch of glass and creak of metal.

There. If I have to spout fucking bullshit, at least it should be as violent as I am.

I turn away from Joy before I wax all poetic again and let my wings stretch. Damn. That feels good. It’s been far too long since I got to fly using my own power and not ridiculous Christmas magic.

“Let’s do this, fuckers!” I shout.

“Yeah!” Even Bryn responds with a fist pump.

“Um, Gus?” Joy’s tentative voice immediately makes me spin around. She bites her lip and gestures at her back. “I don’t have—”

She doesn’t even finish her sentence before I scoop her into my arms and revel at the feel of her skin touching mine. Her fingers wrap around the back of my neck, her breasts pressing against my chest. I shoot us up into the sky before the moment gets to be too much—and before the other demons try to steal her from me—and I accidentally embarrass myself by calling her eyes liquid pools aloud.

I just embrace the fact that my mate is in my arms, trusting me to rescue her realm, and giving me the green light to fuck some demons up in the process.

Okay, that’s a stretch, but roll with me. It’s more of a yellow light, and we all know yellow means go faster and don’t get caught.

Life doesn’t get better than that.

* * *

Once we’re in flight,we come up with a rough plan. Or Cal does anyway. I’m better at just acting on my anger, improvising.

“Gus, you turn your wrath outwards. Blast them with it so they can’t even see straight.”

I nod along. I’ll try it, at least. With Joy in my arms, I’m a bit more reluctant than usual to join the fight. That was something I didn’t think about when I scooped her up into my arms. But really, what demon could resist?

Calvus snaps a finger. “Gus, pay attention! Now, once you blast them, we’ll let pretty boy do his thing. Dem, you steal whatever you can find from them while they’re blinded with rage. Weapons. Hell, steal their boots so they have to walk barefoot in the snow, I don’t care. But disarm them.”

Dem gives a confident nod, his wings stretched out flat as he rides a jet stream. “Can do.”

Nico pipes up then. He always does. The frustration demon knows it irks Cal when he’s interrupted, and the former Scot can’t resist. “And then you’ll let me tie them together with garlands right? Shove a bit of ginger root up their arses?”

“Ah!” Joy cringes in my arms. “Ginger?”

Nico waves a hand. “You’re right, Joy. Some of them might get off on that. Never mind. I’ll Gorilla glue their dicks to their thighs. Even better. You’re a genius, lovie!”