Page 27 of Demon's Joy

I failed Santa.

I failed Christmas.

I failed myself.

Tears drip down my cheeks as I collapse on the floor, cradling my injured hand to my chest. Immediately, all of the reindeer gather around me, nuzzling and licking me. I reach for the nearest reindeer, Dasher, and bury my face in his neck. My hands loop around Comet’s body on the other side of me as I tug him closer. Cupid and Blitzen both place their heads in my lap, while Donner whines and nibbles on the strands of my blonde hair.

As my tears settle on their fur, seeping into their skin, I’m suddenly aware of a tingling sensation dancing across my arms. I pull my head away from Donner and slowly remove my hands from Comet, staring at the shaky limbs in disbelief.

What the hell?

In the blink of an eye, a blinding white light consumes my vision, splattered with dark spots like a paintbrush tossing paint haphazardly on a canvas. I attempt to shield myself from the brilliant glow, believing that the demons have come to attack us again, but I feel no pain.

Gradually, the light recedes, and the cabin is once more submerged in the familiar murky, golden sheen from the hanging bulb.

I blink rapidly, my hands automatically reaching for my reindeer.

But instead of soft fur, my hands connect with…human flesh.

My eyes snap open completely as I stare at the five sinfully gorgeous men surrounding me. All of them are beautiful in their own way.

The man to the side of me, where Donner once was, has thick black hair that makes the harsh angles of his face appear cruel and hard. Or that could be the scowl marring his thick lips.

And the two men in my lap…

One of them has sandy-blond hair and is blinking just as quickly as I was a few seconds ago, almost as if he needs glasses to see. The other one has light brown hair that hangs in shaggy waves to his shoulders, like he couldn’t be bothered to trim it.

Cupid and Blitzen.

To the left of me is the prettiest man I have ever seen with golden hair streaked with lighter honey-tones. His skin is blemish-free, a literal work of art, and accentuates his abnormally high cheekbones and thin, aristocratic lips, currently pulled into an impish smirk.

I tilt my head upwards, the movement almost mechanical, to stare at the last man.

This one has a mane of thick red hair and an unruly beard that makes him look more rugged than the others. More feral. His eyes flash mischievously as his long, nimble fingers pull at my hair.

And then all at once, the five of them freeze.

Slowly, with the same shock and awe that I just displayed, they stare down at their human bodies. Theirnakedbodies.

“Ya guys seeing this?” the red-haired man behind me demands, his voice thick with a Scottish accent.

“I'm a real boy!” the gorgeous one practically squeals, immediately reaching down to grip his half-hard cock. His eyes roll into the back of his head. “Baby, I missed you so much.”

“What…?” My voice is too quiet for them to hear, a low whisper that gets carried away by the frigid wind barreling through the broken windows.

“How is this possible?” the one who appears as if he needs glasses queries, moving his head off my lap. My eyes automatically latch onto his thick cock, before I force my gaze upwards, shock momentarily stealing coherent thoughts.

What the fuck is happening? And where are my reindeer? Who are these men?

“Magic,” the long-haired one says, shaking his shaggy head from side to side. His eyelids droop, almost as if he’s fighting off sleep, just like Blitzen always used to do. “It has to be.”

“What?” My voice is louder this time, a shrill screech, and all at once, I have the attention of all five men in the room. And that’s when I notice.

The beautiful blond haired one…he hashorns. Golden horns that poke through his golden hair.

And the man beside me, with hair as dark as pitch, he haswings.Spindly, bat-like wings with ruby red veins crawling up the interior.

No. No. No.

I’m surrounded by demons.

In a tiny recess of my brain, I know that these demons were once my reindeer…my best friends. But I can barely focus on that over the pounding of my heart.Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the biggest threat isn’t the demons currently residing in Christmas Village.

Maybe the biggest threat is right here in this room, surrounding me.

Because if there are a bunch of demons here…

Then I know I’m seconds away from being killed.