Two girls stepped in front of me, their attention as fixated on the pool as mine was. The two blondes wore the skimpiest bikinis imaginable. Seriously, the poor fabric looked as if it was straining against their considerable chests. I was not lacking in the chest department by any means, but those two girls put mine to shame. I scoffed.

They were too round and perfect to be real.

What type of high schooler was allowed to get a breast job? What type of parents would allow that?

I thought of my mother and her condescending smile. Ugh, that smirk. I hated that smirk. I wanted to punch that smirk off her face. She would most definitely be okay with me getting a breast job. Anything to help the family business.

“Do you see Ryder?” The blond in the pink bikini asked, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Missy. He’ll come,” Purple reassured her friend. Pink – Missy, I assumed – glowered.

“He’s probably off with Declan or something,” Missy finally conceded, though she didn’t sound convinced. They stayed silent for a moment, each one surveying the pool with predatory glints in their eyes.

“Do you think I look okay?” Purple asked suddenly, twisting to show off her purple bikini, the cause of her namesake.

“You look fine,” Missy snapped. “And if you don’t think you look good, change bikinis.”

“But I only brought one bikini.”

Missy’s mouth dropped open. “Are you serious? I brought like three. But you’re not a cheerleader so you wouldn’t understand.”

Huh? I raised an eyebrow, thoroughly intrigued. This was ten times better than my book.

“But I do dance,” Purple insisted.

What the actual fuck was happening?

“You only brought one,” Missy sighed. She looked honestly upset by that prospect. Still sulking, she turned and walked towards the water volleyball game. Purple followed her like an obedient puppy.

“Oh my gosh, did you hear that? She only broughtonebikini?” The voice came from beside me, making me startle. I turned with almost blistering speed and nearly fell off my chair when I met the laughing eyes of the person beside me.

Oh, sweet Jesus have mercy…

He was hot. Like sex-on-a-stick hot. Bronzed skin, amber eyes, tousled black hair with green highlights at the tips. And his body. It was a work of art. It would take me hours to fully appreciate every detail depicted across his abs, every intricately designed vine and flower and…was that a unicorn? Somehow, that mythical creature etched into his skin demoted him from intimidating to approachable. I mean, seriously, any guy willing to flaunt a unicorn must have serious balls.

Don’t think about his balls, Adelaide. Don’t think about his…dammit now I’m thinking about them.

“I can’t believe it,” Sexy continued on, his voice rising a few octaves as he attempted to adopt a valley-girl accent.

I pitched my voice in a similar fashion to his. “I know, right? I brought, like, eight. One for dipping my toes in…”

“One for sitting at the pool in,” he continued, fighting a grin.

“One for going waist deep. Only waist deep. And of course, I have one entirely made of satin.” I dramatically flipped my hair over my shoulder to emphasize my point.

He looked at me in mock horror. “Only one?”

“I mean, you wouldn’t understand. I have, like, hobbies and interests and stuff.”

“And activities?”

“Oh my god, who does activities? Seriously?”

A laugh escaped his lips.

“What’s your name, doll?” he asked, his voice dropping back to what I assumed was his normal tone.

Oh, and what a fine voice he has…