When I looked at him blankly, he offered me a soft smile. “He’s asking you out on a date. You know, like a boy and a girl going out, getting to know one another, then maybe becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.”

He was...? Oh.


I felt like such an idiot.

“If you like him like that, then ignore these big assholes and go on a date with him,” Asher continued, ignoring the grumbling his assertion created. “If you don’t, it’s best not to lead him on.”

Well that was a no brainer. I didn’t date. Ever. Jared was sweet and all, and he might be considered handsome by some, but he wasn’t for me. Even if I did decide I wanted to date, he didn’t cause my heart to pound inside of my chest or my hands to sweat with nerves. We didn’t talk naturally with one another, and he didn’t cause butterflies to flutter throughout my stomach. I may be oblivious, but I knew what I felt for him wasn’t strong enough to take that leap. Hell, I had even been wavering on whether I wanted to be his friend.

My answer must’ve been evident on my face, because Jared walked away without allowing me to explain. It made me feel like shit.

“It’s better you let him know now,” Asher reassured me.

A new thought occurred to me, and I glanced at the boys with wide-eyes.

“Does that mean we’re on a date?”

Calax’s eyes seemed to bulge out of his head. The rest of the guys looked equally perplexed.

“Huh?” Ronan finally said.

“Well, I’m a girl, and you guys are guys. We’re hanging out, getting to know one another. And Declan already said I couldn’t be your sister.”

It made perfect sense in my mind.

“What? I...um...” Ryder sputtered. It almost looked as if he was blushing. “Let’s go to the slopes!”

Before I could question his odd behavior, Declan and Calax each reached for one of my hands and practically dragged me out the door.

* * *

“Don’t tellme you’re afraid of heights?” Ryder taunted as the ski lift propelled us over the gleaming mountaintop. The snow glistened in the waning sunlight like tiny diamonds. It was glorious.

“Don’t try to project your insecurities onto me,” I huffed, shoving at his shoulder. The lift rocked unsteadily with the movement, and I laughed when Ryder’s face paled.

He quickly schooled his expression.

“You’re the one who didn’t want to ride up,” he countered. I had no argument for that, he was right. Granted, my reasons were different than what he assumed, but it was true that I had argued profusely against taking the ski lift.

Why couldn’t we stay on the ground like normal humans?

“I’m not scared of heights,” I insisted again.

“Whatever you say, Kitten.”

Smirking, I unclenched my hand that held a previously made snowball and pelted him in the face. I had the pleasure of seeing his expression turn incredulous as he glanced from me to the melted snowball that now dripped down his chin, and back to me again.

I nearly died of laughter.

All at once, his expression sharpened with something I would almost refer to as wicked. A devious smile stretched across his face.

“Revenge, my little kitten. Karma’s a bitch.”

“Oh, I’m so scared,” I mocked. “I’m shaking in my winter boots.”

He continued to smile at me, and I knew that death was coming for me. It was so worth it.