Chapter 20


Iglanced anxiously at the door for the third time in the last minute.

What the fuck was taking them so long? I hoped Cal would stop being such a brooding asshole and get the fuck back here. I was worried about Princess. It wasn’t safe for her to be outside for so long.

Sarge had been able to get ahold of the base a couple of days ago. Apparently, they were just as clueless about everything that was happening as we were. That realization did not sit well with me. Hell, weren’t the powers above supposed to be almighty and all-knowing? Fuck them. And fuck Calax.

I resumed my nervous pacing, bare feet wearing a hole in the carpet. I had never been one to sit still, and that was especially true whenever I experienced any strong emotion.

Damn Calax. Why did he have to go and run off? Didn’t he realize how much danger he was putting her in?

I told myself that my concern for her was normal. After all, we were friends.

I had always wanted to meet the beauty that tamed the beast. Calax would not shut up about this girl who’d stolen his heart. Now that I’d met her, I understood why.

She was beautiful, sure, but Elena was beautiful. Beauty wasn’t all there was to a person, despite Ryder’s claims. Addie made me laugh. I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed before Addie came into my life. Believe it or not, it wasn’t often. I was usually considered even grumpier than Calax.

But she...

She understood my weird sense of humor. Not even Ryder, my best friend and half-brother, fully understood my sarcasm and dry wit.

The devil himself was currently perched on the edge of the sofa, hands strumming absently on his guitar. If I paced when I was nervous, Ryder played. Music that is. Or females.

I didn’t like the attention he gave Addie, and I didn’t entirely understand why. I told myself it was because of Calax. He had been in love with her for years now; we would not get in the way of that.

It could’ve also been because I knew my brother. To him, females were nothing more than playthings to use and discard. I didn’t want that for Princess. The mere thought of it pissed me off and made me sick to my stomach at the same time.

She had suffered so much in her short life. She deserved love and happiness, not the fuck over Ryder was bound to give her.

I had to make sure he understood that she was off limits. She was Calax’s girl, and, in theory, that made me

I shuddered at the word. No, most definitely not her brother. Most brothers would go to jail for having thoughts about their sister like I often had for her.

Friends. We were justfriends.

Friends protected other friends from dick-bag brothers.

And I also had Declan to think about. From the way he had talked about her, worshipped her, I knew that Calax was going to have some competition in the romance department. It was a shame that they had met her first.

“Sarge will fucking kill you if you break his rug,” Ryder said absently. His hand plucked at a few strings. He used to write his own songs until that bitch Liz came into his life. She sure did a number on him.

“You can’t break carpet,” I retorted, resuming my pacing. His hands strummed yet again, the song unfamiliar. That was especially odd since I knew his entire set.

“Don’t tell me what you can and can’t break,” he snapped back. Geez. Someone was in a shitty mood. I had to wonder if it had to do with his precious “Kitten”.

The bastard probably wanted to fuck her.

“I hear a car!” Tamson yelled before I could respond to Ryder. Both of us rushed towards the door. Fucking Ryder looked like an energetic puppy waiting for his owner to arrive home. Pathetic. Granted, I probably looked the same way, but at least I hadsomeclass.

Declan came out of whichever room he was sulking in, for once not scowling. His face warmed with relief.

It was Ryder that opened the door, bouncing from foot to foot.

“Addie!” he said before the door was even fully opened. See? Puppy.

And then he froze. I could see the muscles in his back bunch together. His body thrummed with tension.