“I told you, I’m at a good part,” I pointed out, biting my lip to keep from smirking. Believe it or not, I liked talking to Ronan. He was one of the least douchiest people I have met at Aspen Resort so far. It was always fun to flirt with the tourists.

I knew I was beautiful. Hell, I doubt my parents would keep me around if I wasn’t. My beauty served as both my shield and my sword. My defense and my offense. Today, I was on the hunt. Not that I would let anything happen between the tourist and me, of course. I couldn’t afford to let them get close, and Idefinitelydidn’t want them facing my parent’s wrath.

But it was nice to pretend.

“You are a strange girl,” Ronan said, but he did so with a smile. I kept my attention fixated on my book as I turned a page.

“Still at a good part.”

“Ronan! Baby!” A shrill, feminine voice cooed.

I set the book on my lap, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“I swear to God, Ronan, you have exactly five seconds to get rid of that voice before I castrate you.”

Ronan nearly fell out of his seat from laughing so hard. I should’ve felt guilty – after all, I had just insulted a total stranger who obviously knew Ronan – but that voice was annoying. How did anyone listen to that…sound?

The girl that stepped up was beautiful. There was no other word to describe her. If Ronan was sexy and dangerous, this girl was flowers and cupcakes. A dewy face with emerald eyes, framed by thick lashes and auburn hair that cascaded down her back. An hourglass figure. I supposed she had to be beautiful to have a voice like that.

“Who’s your little…friend?” Her eyes ran over me, the malice in them nearly smoldering.

I take back my early assessment. She was most definitely not flowers and cupcakes. If anything, she was wilted flowers and poisoned cupcakes.

“Elena,” Ronan said stiffly. His body was taut.

“I was looking for you,” Elena hissed. That voice…I shuddered.

To Ronan, I mumbled, “Five seconds.”

“Five seconds until what?” huffed Elena, her penetrating gaze swiveling my way. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her like a child. Or give her the finger like an adult. Either option appealed to me, honestly. Maybe I could do a combination…?

A smile ghosted across Ronan’s lips before it contorted into a cold mask.

“I’ll meet you by the entryway, Elena,” he said evenly.


“The entryway or not at all.”

It was a contest of wills, his dark eyes locked with her vibrant green ones. The air around them practically seemed to spark with electricity. Elena broke away first, scowling, before storming towards the door of the poolroom. She did not look pleased.

“Well, damn,” I stated. “That was intense. Ifeltthe tension. Or was that sexual tension? Hmm…I guess the world may never know. Actually, that’s not true. If you guys start pawing at each other, then it was most definitely sexual tension.”

Ronan stared at me with an unreadable expression.

“Trust me. That was the exact opposite of sexual tension.”

“So it was platonic tension, then?” I pressed. When he didn’t respond, I shrugged nonchalantly. “Dude, I feel ya. Platonic tension is intense. It makes you lose control. Like, you suddenly want a hug from your brother or something.”

“What is wrong with you?” The question did not hold any malice. If anything, he sounded bemused, as if I was a puzzle he was struggling to solve. I considered his question thoughtfully before responding,

“A lot actually.”

Sighing, I scooped up my book and folded my towel. I suppose I could always read in my room behind a locked door.

“Wait! Where are you going?” Ronan seemed confused.

I patted his cheek. “I told you already. I’m hiding from you.”

Maybe I was slightly insane. Maybe I wasn’t. At that moment, I didn’t care. The way he looked at me made me feel as if I was the most beautiful girl to have existed.

Not sexy, but as if I was someone cherished. No one had ever looked at me like that. With awe.

“I never caught your name!” Ronan shouted after me. He sat rooted to the spot next to our chairs, hands outstretched as if he could pull me back to him.

“That’s because I never gave you anything to catch!” I called back.