“I’m sorry.”

His eyes narrowed on me.

“You’re only sorry because you got caught.”

* * *

I wokeup to someone’s hand over my mouth.

At first, I thought it was one of the boys, unintentionally being aggressive. But then the person leaned down until his mouth was by my ear.

“Don’t say a word, or I’ll cut the throat of your deaf friend.”


My muscles tensed up, but I managed a weak nod.

To be honest, that wasn’t the first time I had been awoken by a strange man. However, it was the first time that I could remember being more pissed than scared. Couldn’t he have just let me sleep?

To my right, I heard the familiar roar of Ryder’s snore. On the opposite side, Tam’s breathing was nice and even. I didn’t know where Declan was, but I thought I heard Ronan mumble something in his sleep near my head.

Before I could smack the dickhead that dared disturb my sleep, he lifted me into his arms. Whatever protest I might’ve conjured died on my lips when I felt the press of a knife to my neck.

Well damn. He was taking this kidnapping thing pretty seriously.

He walked with startling accuracy through the snoring crowd, only stopping once we reached whatever destination he had in mind. How he could see in the dark was beyond me, and I didn’t dare ask. I mean, I wasn’t in the mood to be knifed just yet.

I let out a whimper as he hoisted me to one arm, like I was a toddler getting carried around by her parents.

“Quiet,” he hissed. Well excuse me if my cry of pain wasn’t silent enough for you.


I heard what sounded like a door opening, and then we were walking again. It suddenly occurred to me where we were going. This theory was only reinforced when he switched on his phone light, and I saw the familiar hall outside of the break room.

He was sacrificing me to Shannon and what’s-his-name.

And he had light while we had been struggling in the darkness.

I honestly couldn’t tell you which one pissed me off more. I fucking hated the darkness, probably even more than I hated getting sacrificed to zombies.

Deeming me capable of walking, he dropped me unceremoniously onto the ground. I let out a cry as my leg jammed into the wooden floor.The pain was immediate and undescribable. No words could articulate the flames of fire creeping up my legs, my nerves, burning me alive.

Damn him. Damn him to the deepest pit of hell.

“Keep swearing all you want, Sunshine. I’m doing us all a favor.”

“Which is what exactly?” I grunted. My legs wobbled underneath me as I attempted to haul myself to my feet. The bastard had dropped me too far away from a wall to be able to use it to steady myself. Instead, I was forced to awkwardly crawl onto my good knee, unsavory substances and grit clinging to my hands. This position caused my weak, bloody arm to scream in protest, but I ignored it.

“Are you just going to leave me here?” I whispered harshly. Brad - Damn Brad - had stealthily moved to a branching hallway, the light from his phone sufficing his features in a yellow glow. The bastard had the nerve to smile at me.

“I’m going to wait until they’re distracted, and then grab the supplies. Are you really so selfish that you can’t see the good your sacrifice will bring?”

I rolled my eyes because, really, what more could I do?

“Are you really so stupid that you can’t see the death that will come to you when the guys realize what you did?”

“They’ll thank me in the long run. Once we survive.” He paused. “I’m sorry that it had to be this way.”