Instead of the horror or hate I expected, his eyes widened with an undefinable emotion. It was impossible to read.

“Ducky’s not dead,” Declan said. A tear trailed down his cheek soon followed by a second one.

“What?” I asked, shocked. Out of everything I expected him to say, it hadn’t been that. “You don’t have to try to make me feel better.”

“You need to-”

“I took away his future, Declan. His chance at life. At happiness. At love. He probably would’ve had a girlfriend named Sasha by now and lived in a cottage only two miles away from college. He would’ve been studying biochemical engineering, but his girlfriend would’ve been bitching at him to get a degree in nursing. They would’ve had two cats together, which they fought over after the breakup. They end up deciding on joint custody of the cats and-”

“Stop talking!” Declan signed, interrupting my hysterical rambles. I complied, clamping my mouth shut. I met Declan’s smoldering stare, unshed tears gathering in my eyes. I mentally prepared myself for him to yell at me. To tell me he hated me and to go to hell, which I more than deserved.

His eyes were clear when they met mine, an endless abyss of honey woven with a light brown. Familiar.
