And another thing...

“Who’s Sarge?” I asked. The boys tensed around me, even Ronan, though he tried to relax his muscles after I let out an audible squeak. I could see Calax’s brow furrow, which meant he was thinking.

I hoped he didn’t pass out from it.

“Sarge - Sargent - is our group leader,” Calax settled on at last.

“For the school?”

Another hesitation. “Yes.”

“Is that his name?” I questioned. “Or his title?”

Before Calax could reply, a high-pitched squeal made my ears bleed. Okay, maybe my ears were already bleeding because of the whole tornado thing, but that sound wasn’t really helping matters.

“Are you guys okay? I was so worried!”

We had entered a room where a large group huddled together. They all had pale faces, but otherwise looked unharmed. Elena, with mascara streaming down her face like onyx tears, ran through the crowd and threw her arms around Ryder.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Ryder’s flabbergasted, if not slightly horrified, expression. With a practiced efficiency, Ryder disentangled himself from Elena’s arms. Of course, Elena took that as permission to throw herself at Declan who did not remove himself from her gently. He cast her a glare that would’ve made any sane person shit their pants. Hell, I wasn’t even on the receiving end of it, and I stilled trembled.

Tamson, knowing that Ronan was out of commission since he held me and that he was next, quickly ducked behind Calax.

Elena glanced at Calax, gaze slightly hungry.

Same girl. Same.

I frowned at myself.

Nope. Not the same. Because I wouldn’t ever stare at Calax hungrily. Nope. Nada. I was not hungry for Calax. I had already eaten...chicken. Chicken’s better than a boy.

Ronan’s chuckle clued me in to the fact I had spoken aloud. Again. Calax looked oddly pleased with himself, as if my unintentional confession reinforced something he had suspected. What that was, I had no idea.

I hated Calax. Hated him.

“I see you’re still with...her,” Elena said with a false cheerfulness. Her eyes glared daggers at me. Despite the pain and the dire situation we were in (you know, the whole being trapped underground thing), I felt something akin to glee rise up in me. I had never met a mean girl before. I’d watched movies, read books, but this was my first experience with a jealous bitch.

It made me feel...well, not normal necessarily, but less like a freak.

Yes, I realized there was something wrong with me, thank you very much.

“The name’s Addie,” I said, attempting to wave. Of course, that led to me nearly falling on my ass, and Tam darting forward to help stabilize my clumsy body. Elena’s eyes honed in on my leg around Ronan’s body and Tam’s hands on my hips.

“You could put her down now,” Elena suggested in a snide tone, as if we were imbeciles for not thinking of that sooner. I glanced in dismay from my leg, still broken, to Elena, and then back to my leg. Nope, apparently not even mean girls could will my bones to mend themselves. Shame.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Elena,” Ryder snapped. Gone was the jovial, flirtatious boy I had grown so accustomed to. This boy looked almost dangerous.

I didn’t believe he would actually hurt Elena, but a small pang of fear made my heart beat erratically. I had often been on the receiving end of such of tone, and for me at least, it always resulted in a beating.

“Shit, dude. Soften your voice. You’re scaring, Princess,” Ronan said, and Ryder’s eyes shot to my face.

“Princess?” Elena questioned.

“You know I would never hurt you or Elena, right?” Ryder asked, his voice considerably softer. He looked almost scared, his normally jubilant eyes downcast. I held out my hand to him, and he took it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, quiet enough for only him and Ronan to hear. “I know you wouldn’t. It’s just...hearing your voice like that...”

“Reminded you of your parents,” Ryder finished for me, just as softly. His face paled. “I’m nothing like those sick bastards, you hear me?”