The pain was immediate and intense. It wasn’t my first broken bone, but it was definitely one of the worse. Tiny licks of fire erupted in my veins.

Breathe. Just breathe.

Why didn’t that sound appealing anymore?

After what felt like hours, the wind subsided, and the air went still.

I trembled, still sprawled overtop of Calax.

What the hell happened?

It was the middle of winter, the middle of fucking winter in Michigan, and a tornado just hit. This, along with the earthquake, was not natural.

“What the hell? Addie...”

I let out a noncommittal grunt.

“Shit! Princess!” I felt someone gently grab my arms, pulling me off Calax and onto my back. I let out an involuntary screech as the pain in my back amplified.

Shit. Fuck. Shit. Ball sucking dick.

“What the fuck happened?” I knew that angry voice, though I don’t think I had ever heard it with that particular inflection. Tam. Why was he angry?

“It looks like she threw herself on top of Calax. To protect him.” Ryder sounded almost furious with that assumption.

Another hand - Declan’s perhaps - repositioned me so I was on my stomach. That felt better for my back, but worst for my arm. The slab of skin that had been cut by glass was now pressed against the flooring. Shifting, I moved onto my back yet again.

Better. Not great, but tolerable. The lesser of two evils.

“Shit! Look at her,” Ronan said.

“Her leg’s broken,” Asher pointed out.

No shit.

Someone snorted. Ryder. “At least she still has her sense of humor.”

“I will always have a sense of humor,” I whimpered. “Even in death.” Wincing, I turned my head to see Asher now leaning over Calax. “How is he?”

“He’s fine. The big glute’s just unconscious for now. He’s going to be pissed when he gets up though.”

I tried not to let out a scream as Declan did something to my leg. I’m afraid that I made a howling noise instead because, apparently, that’s so much sexier than a cry of pain.

“Why would he be angry?” I managed to gasp out. “I saved his life.”

At this, the boys all exchanged amused glances.

“That may be,” Asher began. He seemed to choose his words carefully. “But Calax would’ve preferred for you not to risk yourself for him.”

I let out another sound - a laugh, perhaps? I couldn’t really tell. My mind was fuzzy, both from pain and the fact that Declan had taken his shirt off, using the material to make bandages for me. I couldn’t help but appreciate the expanse of golden skin on display. If I had somehow died, at least I was in heaven.

“You’re not dead,” Ryder said in exasperation. “And if you think he looks good, you should see me.”

Another choked laugh escaped me at that. Ryder was such a cocky bastard, but he was growing on me. Like a fungus.

I was slightly disappointed when Declan only ripped off the hem of his shirt before throwing it back over his head. Shame. A body like his deserved to be on display.

“You don’t care that I was just eye fucking the shit out of your friend?” I asked, raising one eyebrow in disbelief.