I, once again, had the pleasure of seeing two very pale faces. When I began giggling, Ryder leaned forward to whack my arm.

“You’re such a little shit!”

“Your dick’s a little shit,” I retorted because, yeah, I was totally original.

“What the hell?” Asher said abruptly. I turned towards him in surprise, but he wasn’t looking at me. His attention was on his phone.

“What?” Ryder asked, all traces of teasing vanishing from his handsome face.

“I just got a weather alert. There’s a tornado warning.”

“And that’s a big deal because...?” Ryder asked.

“You don’t understand. There’s a tornado warninghere. Right now. Only a few miles away from this resort.”

“What the hell?” I exclaimed, jumping from my seat and running to peer over his shoulder. Sure enough, the weather station detailed a tornado that had been spotted only a couple miles from our location. “How is that even possible?”

“Does it matter? We need to get low. Does the resort have a basement?”

“Yes,” Asher and I answered immediately.

“It’s where the employees’ break room is,” Asher explained.

“Here!” I reached into my pocket and grabbed a key ring. Shuffling through the numerous keys, I settled on a small bronze one. “This key can be used in the elevator to lead to the basement. Grab your friends and get down.”

As I spoke, I began to shuffle away.

“What about...where the hell are you going?”

“I’m going to go door to door and get everyone to safety,” I said. “And then I need to find my parents.”