“Ryder has blue balls,” Asher supplied, amused.

“They’ve turned into icicles now,” he whined.

“At least they’re prime for licking,” I pointed out helpfully. All of the guys froze. “What? What did I say now?”

I seriously needed a rule book: The Acceptable Words and Phrases to Use Around Your Guy Friends. Maybe they should teach a class or something.

Who needs to learn about how to find X when you can learn how not to be a dick towards one another? Or when it’s apparently appropriate to say “dick” around the male population?

“Why y’all so quiet?” Ronan asked he walked up, Declan and Tamson following behind him like silent shadows. Tamson offered me a small smile, and I accepted it greedily. I got the distinct feeling that his smiles were few and far between.

“I don’t know what their deal is,” I said when it became apparent none of the idiots were going to talk. Ryder, still in front of the fireplace, shifted uncomfortably. When he caught my gaze, he quickly turned his body towards the blistering flames, neck turning red.

What the-?

“Ryder was talking about how his balls were icicles, and all I said was that they were now good to lick.”


Tam’s cheeks were a flaming red, though I wasn’t necessarily surprised. He was almost always red. Whatdidsurprise me, though, was the bulge I could see in the front of his pants. In the front of all their pants.

As if...

I replayed my words in my head. Licking icicles. Was there anything dirty with that? Was that slang for the nasty?

Licking icicle balls.


Well, shit.

“Shit,” I parroted. “Totally didn’t mean to say that. Well, I did, but I just didn’t realize how sexual it would be. Oops. Is that why you guys are all getting boners? Are you thinking about me licking your balls?”

“Damn it, Addie!” Calax growled before storming away. Declan and Ronan quickly followed him.

“Where are they going?” I asked, slightly hurt at their abrupt exit.

“They’re...um...taking care of business,” Asher said. He rubbed at his neck, obviously uncomfortable with this whole conversation. Of course, I knew what he meant by that - I wasn’t a complete idiot, just a kind of idiot - but I wanted to tease them a while longer. Actually, I just wanted to tease Ryder. It was a shame that sweet Asher and shy Tam had to get caught in the crossfire.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked innocently.

Ryder, Asher, and Tam all exchanged a look.

“I need to, uh, go,” Tam said before bolting towards the hallway. One down, two to go.

“What business?” I continued. “Like schoolwork?”

“Not that type of business, Sweetheart.” Asher’s voice sounded strained.

“So? Are you guys going to explain?”

Again, the two boys exchanged an unreadable expression. Ryder shook his head in desperation, and Asher’s eyes went wide with panic.


I burst into laughter, unable to handle their stricken expressions.

“I’m just fucking with you,” I said, once I was finally able to breathe. Then, in a more serious voice, I added, “They’re going back out to ski, correct?”