“Have you ever gone?” Ronan asked, shaking snow out of his hair.

“Nope,” I said, popping the P. “But I want to! And the teams can be all of us versus Calax!”

“Hey!” The giant in question snapped, gaze scathing. I noticed that he had a small bruise on his cheekbone, and I instinctively stepped forward to brush my gloved hand against it. He shivered under my touch.

“Are you cold?” I asked, concerned. He was two-hundred pounds of pure muscle, wearing a bulky coat and even bulkier gloves. How could a man like him be cold?

Surprisingly, it was Asher that snorted from behind me.

“He’s not cold, Sweetheart.”

“Shut the fuck up, Ashley!”

“Language, Callie!”

I pinched Calax’s cheek, and he smiled at me sheepishly.

“What are you idiots doing here, anyway? Too chicken to go down the Devil’s Anal?” I directed that last taunt at Ryder.

“For one, I’m pretty sure that’s not the name, though I do like your name better. Secondly, we all agreed that we much rather hang out with you than the snobs over at the hill. Nobody can compare to your beauty.” He practically sang the last line, his lilting voice causing goosebumps to erupt over my arms.

Rolling my eyes, I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You’re still so fucking cheesy, RyRy.”

“Admit it. It’s endearing.”

“In the want-to-stab-you-in-the-nuts kind of way,” I muttered. Turning towards the rest of the boys, I clapped my hands together in glee. I probably looked like a young schoolgirl instigating a game of tag on the playground, but damn it, I was excited. I had never had people want to spend time with me, much less go out of their way for it. The feeling was exhilarating.

“What are we standing around for? Get your damn skis on, and let’s have an adventure!”

* * *

By the timewe made it back to the lodge, we were covered in sweat, dirt, and water from melted snow. Ryder, the bastard, felt the need to sit on me while pouring snow down my jacket. Calax intervened, and now Ryder was huddled near the fire, teeth chattering as he cursed me and my family.

“Damn it, woman! My balls are going to fall off! They’re blue! How am I supposed to function with blue balls! They’re little ball icicles now!”

My legs curled up underneath me, I rolled my eyes at Ryder’s usual theatrics.

“Why am I getting the blame? I believe it was Callie that did the ball bluing.”

Asher’s face turned deep in thought.

“That sounded really sexual.”

“Shut up, Ashy!” Ryder snapped. It seemed as if the boys were adopting my nicknames - at least the ones I said aloud. I don’t know how I would feel if they knew I referred to them as Gorgeous or Sexy or Grumpy in my head. “But shit, Addie! Don’t rile Calax up like that!”

“You’re fine,” I said. “It’s not like you’re using your junk anyway.”

Asher choked on his hot chocolate, and Ryder narrowed his eyes at me.

“Take that back, Kitten.”

“Make me, Blue Balls.”

“What the fuck did I miss?” Calax asked, reappearing from the small coffee shop inside the resort. When he saw my expression, he relinquished the second cup of coffee he had ordered into my hand. Yum. He sipped from his own cup, eyes narrowed at me over the rim. Black coffee, of course, just like his soul.

And no. I don’t have a flare for dramatics. Sheesh.