Her face fell marginally before it was quickly replaced by a gorgeous smile.

“Okay, well, I just wanted to check up on you and remind you that my room is only a couple doors down.” Her voice dropped, going quiet. “I miss you guys.”

When none of the boys responded, Elena’s face fell once again. It was then that she noticed me, dressed in my marshmallow suit behind Calax’s broad shoulder. I lifted a hand that held one of the ski poles in an awkward wave. She glared back at me.


“I see you have a new whore to share between you,” she snapped. Calax’s shoulders turned tense in front of me, and I bristled.

“I’ll have you know that I am not a whore. I am their sister that isn’t really a sister but a friend that apparently can’t talk about boobs and vaginas. I think that makes me a...brother? Well, I would make a horrible brother, so they probably don’t want me to be that either. Maybe I can-”

Declan’s hand covering my mouth interrupted me. Apparently, Elena had left in the midst of my rant.

Wouldn’t even let me finish my sentence. So rude.

“Sooo...” I drawled in my cutesy voice. “What was that about?”

The boys glanced at one another, blushed, and then immediately began discussing which hill they were going to conquer.

“Oh, hell no!” I said, laughing. “We are so having this conversation.”

When the idiots refused to look at me, understanding clicked into place.

“Holy shit! Did you guys share her?”

Numerous shhhs were the response to my question.

“You did, didn’t you? Was it serious? Did you have a calendar? This is freaking hilarious!”

“No!” Ryder hissed. “I mean, yes, but no. It wasn’t a relationship or anything. It was just...”

“Sex?” I offered, pleased when the Great Ryder turned flaming red.

“Look,” Ronan cut in, “she was one of the girls we had...relations with.”

“One?” I said. “You shared more than one?”

I was probably more intrigued than I should’ve been. But, hey, weren’t friends supposed to be interested in the relationship of their other friends? Maybe this could be my redeemer for the whole boob thing with Asher.

“We wanted multiple partners so we didn’t get attached,” Declan signed. “And so they wouldn’t get attached to us.”

“Did it work?”

“Obviously not with Elena,” Asher said with a smirk. “She fell in love with those idiots but was too blind to see the feeling was only one-sided. She thought she could be the one to tame the beasts, so to speak. To make the wild boys settle down.”

I felt a pang of sympathy for Elena. Not empathy, for I have never been in love, but a deep sense of kinship with the girl. How awful would it be to love someone and to know that they wouldn’t love you back?

“Did you all share her?” I asked, glancing from face to face. From Calax’s brooding expression, Declan’s impassive one, Ryder’s sultry grin, the twinkle in Ronan’s eyes, the blush permanently staining Tam’s face, to Asher’s amused smirk.

“It started off with just Ryder, Tam, and me,” Ronan admitted, somewhat reluctantly. My eyes widened in shock. Ronan and Ryder, I could expect, but Tam?

Apparently, the shy boy had a kinky side.

“Asher, as I said before, is our sweet, pure prince. He never wanted to involve himself in such activities with us peasants,” Ryder added. He didn’t sound as embarrassed anymore, as if he understood I wasn’t judging him.

“Calax, of course, set his sights on only one girl,” Ronan said, spiking my curiosity. Who was the mysterious girl that could capture the giant man’s attention? “And Declan only joined the...rotation....after he broke up with his girlfriend.”

I turned towards the man in question after hearing that. It was time for me to put my friend-cap on and kick some ass. Or save some ass. Or get him some ass. It was time for me to behave like a guy…like a sister that wasn’t a sister but wasn’t a brother. I could be a guy, couldn’t I? All angst and broody and shit. And what did guys do in this type of situation? Threaten.

“Is it the whole ‘that bitch, how dare she’ type of scenario, or was the breakup amicable? Do I need to drive to her house, serenade her, and hand-feed her chocolates for you to win her back? Because I totally will. Just let me know if I need to bitch slap a hoe, bury a body, or write a two-hour musical.”

The boys stared at me in a stunned silence before Ronan put his arm around me.

“Oh, Addie, everybody needs someone like you in their life.”