I answered, “No,” just as Ronan answered with, “Yes.”

“We met last night,” Ronan supplied. “Though the little minx has yet to reveal her name to me.”

“Phew,” Ryder said, wiping invisible sweat from his forehead dramatically. “I thought it was just me.”

“Itisjust you,” I retorted.

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Are you saying I’m the only guy you see?”

Rolling my eyes, I turned away from Ryder to face the rest of the table. Two unfamiliar guys stared back at me, one appearing transfixed and the other almost angry.

The first one had brown, almost red, curly hair just reaching his shoulders. His features were boyish, with emerald eyes framed by thick lashes and a tentative smile. As I considered him, his cheeks tinted red.

The second one had a fauxhawk, a few shades darker than Boy #1’s. His eyes, unlike his friend’s, were narrowed at me as if he could physically penetrate my skin. I didn’t understand his animosity towards me, a virtual stranger, and it made me wonder if it was because I was intruding on bro-time. On their bro-meal or whatever it was called. Was there a code for it? Was a female not allowed to eat during this sacred time? Either way, I found myself glaring right back. For the briefest of moments, a smile graced Glarey’s features before he immediately masked it. With what, you might ask. You guess it: a scowl. I’m pretty sure that was a standard emotion on Glarey’s face.

“This is my friend Tamson,” Asher introduced, gesturing towards the curly haired guy. “And this is Declan.” This was directed towards Mr. Grumpy. Maybe the boy just needed food in his system.

Tamson offered a small smile, blushed, and then looked down at his menu. The back of his neck burned a bright red

So apparently Mr. Tam was a blusher. There was a lot that you could do with that type of information.

“So, princess, are you stalking me?” Ronan asked with a dramatic wink. I swear these boys never did anything half-assed. It was always with an elaborate flare, as if they were actors on stage.

“I prefer to say that I was following you without your knowledge,” I replied. Ronan threw back his head and roared with laughter.

“I like this girl. Can we keep her?”

“You likeeverygirl,” Asher muttered under his breath.

Ryder said, “I think Asher already called dibs. He spent the night with her.” He sounded bitter at the prospect.

Declan’s eyes whipped from where they were focused intently on Ryder’s face to mine. If Ryder looked slightly annoyed, Declan looked positively furious.

Ronan sputtered, “What? Asher?” He pointed towards the boy in question. “Our sweet, innocent, virgin Asher?”

“Shut up!” Asher mumbled, whacking Ronan on the back of the head. “And no, we did not hookup.”

At this, Ryder gasped in mock outrage.

“Did you lie to me, my little kitten?”

Raising my chin imperiously, I said, “First, don’t call me that. And second, I decided I didn’t like you, and so I wanted you to suffer.”

Asher snorted, and Ronan laughed again.

“Why didn’t you like me?” Ryder asked. He sounded oddly amused by my confession, as if he found me “cute” instead of serious. Men and their egos.

“You were cocky. Emphasis on the cock.” I leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially. “It can’t be that big to equivalate such an attitude. You must be compensating forsomething.”

For a moment, the boys stared at me, too stunned to speak. As one, they howled with laughter garnering the attention of a few pedestrians eating nearby. Even grumpy ole Declan cracked a smile.

“I can assure you that my ego is justified,” Ryder responded smoothly. “So, getting back to the matter at hand, if you’re not dating Asher, does that mean you’re single?”

Ronan thrust up a hand to interrupt.

“I would just like to point out that I saw her first.”