Dagr reached for his pistol and recalled he’d left it in the coach at his grandmother’s urging.Damn it.
“Where is Prince Oz?” one of the men, a crowned one, demanded.
A murmur raced through the crowd as Dagr eyed Oz once more.
* * *
“Iam Prince Oz.”
Oz stepped down from the dais to face the men he was quite sure weremer. His guards filled in behind him, swords and pistols in hand.
The crowned man smiled, a light in his eyes. “You look very much like her.”
Oz frowned. “Her?”
“I am King Claus of Atlantia. Your mother, Deandra’s, brother.” The man smiled, lowering his trident. Tears shone in his eyes as murmurs swept through the ballroom. “I have recently learned of her passing…but was told she had a son. You, Prince Oz.”
Oz eyed him, seeing his mother’s eyes regarding him. “You’ll have to excuse my shock. I only recently learned my mother was a mermaid.”
Another murmur raced through the crowd.
“Had I known where she was, I would have come a long, long time ago. I loved my sister and missed her terribly. My father mourned her for years before his passing.” The man took another step forward. “But I’m here now… to unify our family.” King Claus waved someone forward. “I bring you a gift.”
Oz looked past his uncle and felt a stab to his heart. Llyr strode in on two legs—as the other merfolk had. Oz’s stare slid down and took note of the swollen belly their merman had under his thin robe. Llyr stopped at King Claus’ side, worry in his eyes. Oz’s fingers itched to reach for Llyr and pull their lover close. He drew in a breath, his chest aching.
“I believe he belongs to you… and your lover, Dagr,” King Claus said.
More murmurs sped through the crowd.
Oz had no idea what to say. His gaze locked with Llyr’s for a moment before he glanced over his shoulder at Dagr. Dagr dragged his attention from Llyr to glimpse at Oz.
An understanding passed without a word. What belonged to them was now returned. The thread that would bind them forever. He lifted his gaze to Llyr, desperate to have the man alone with Dagr.
“Prince Llyr’s father stole your mother’s tail and her legacy under the sea. For that, he has paid the ultimate price. Now, his son, Amyr, the new King of Aegeaus—he has agreed to my terms for peace. That a Prince of Atlantia weds Prince Llyr, and seals this peace accord.”
Oz frowned. “I thought you said he was ours?”
King Claus took a step closer. “Youare a Prince of Atlantia.”
“Wait just a moment,” Oz’s father interjected. “I will not stand idly by and watch you rob him of a legacy here! He will be the next King of Aelymanua and needs an heir.”
“So this is the man my sister left the sea for?” King Claus asked, ambling closer to the dais. He sized Oz’s father up before walking closer and offering a hand.
His father glared at it a moment before begrudgingly taking it.
“Did Deandra never tell you of our kind?” King Claus asked Oz’s father, his voice low.
“What do you mean?” Oz’s father asked.
“Prince Llyr, is an omega male. Omega mermen are capable of giving birth. He is already pregnant with your son and Dagr’s children,” the king said. “Your son will have his legacy—a royal one with a prince from under the sea. Where hismother’sfamily is from.”
A ripple of shocked whispers shot through the crowd.
King Claus continued. “Your love stole my sister from us.”
“I had no idea that would happen and I mourned that loss for her,” Oz’s father proclaimed. “I loved Deandra. I would’ve given anything to give her what she lost.”
“Now you can. By honoring her and allowing her son to mate a prince of the sea,” King Claus said.