Llyr trembled as he eyed his brothers and a chill raced down his spine. While he had little love of his father—especially moments before—patricide wasn’t an option he’d have chosen. “Eammon? Whatisthis?”
Eammon swam closer and planted both hands on Llyr’s shoulders. “Ithadto be done, brother. Trust me. Father was going to destroy us all.”
Their guards appeared confused. “You slayed the king—we cannot allow you to get away with such treachery.” Their words held little conviction, though.
Amyr swam closer, facing the guards. “You heard my father’s admission. He brokemerlaw when he exiled King Claus’ sister without themercouncil’s approval. Princess Deandra was a royal and not of our realm, and my father had no right to do what he did. She wasnothis citizen to rule, yet he robbed her of her destinyandher legacy. After, he allowed years of conflict and unrest to continue unabated—and the death of countless in our realm—to cover his own misdeeds.”
Amyr spun to look at Llyr. “When I learned he planned to use my youngest brother as a spy in King Claus’ kingdom—once he was wed to Alphonse—I knew I had to intervene. He wanted King Claus’ family murdered in their beds. Which would’ve started an all-out war among the realms, like nothing we’ve ever seen. The other kingdoms have already pledged Atlantia their support—and themercouncil agreed that my fathermustbe taken down.” Amyr shook his head and turned back to the guards. “My father was mad with his need for revenge. He put the welfare of our great nation at risk. His death was unfortunate—but anecessity.”
His father’s guards continued to seem confused as to what they should do. Without a true leader, they hovered in the water, unmoving. Llyr understood their disquiet. He, too, felt unsure of what Amyr had just done.
“Revenge? What did Augustine have to avenge?” King Claus asked Amyr.
“Your father did not force Deandra to wed him,” Eammon answered. “As he thought you should have. In his mind, Atlantia made a mockery of him.
“He vowed to make you all pay before stealing your throne. With both realms power and wealth at his fingertips, he would’ve been unstoppable,” Amyr said.
“You would so easily destroy your own father?” King Claus asked Amyr. “Why?”
Amyr lifted his chin regally. “What I did was not easy, trust me. The Enchantress approached me years ago, with a prediction. In her chain of events, my father killed you today and the whole of the Underwater Realms went to war. Our kingdom was utterly destroyed, leaving nothing behind. A wasteland would be my legacy.” Amyr paused gazing down at their father. “I refused to believe her, but as the pieces began to come together, I knew what had to happen. I had no choice.”
King Claus spun to face his mermaid guard. “You knew of all this and kept it hidden?”
“Amyr needed the mer council’s approval before they could act. There was no need until they returned,” the witch said, her focus once again landing on Llyr.
A shiver trailed down Llyr’s back as her gaze fell on him. “Do I know you?”
“She’s a powerful sorceress and friend,” the Enchantress said before spinning to face Llyr.“And Dagr’s mother.”
Llyr frowned, that admission rocking him to his core. As soon as he was able to, he swam closer to the woman. She smiled at him—the smile was the same as Dagr’s.
“Who’s Dagr?” King Claus asked, frowning. “My gods, I’m confused.”
“Dagr is your nephew’s friend and lover… and myothermate,” Llyr answered for them. He stared at Dagr’s mother. “How? Dagr said you died.”
“I did… in some ways,” she said. Her voice held a lilting accent. “I used every ounce of power I had to ensure Dagr survived before I drowned… but then I awakened sometime after. I unsure how or why… but I did. I can never leave the water like the othermers, but I live on here.”
King Claus sighed. “So, my sister is dead. I have a half-mernephew living above the surface who is mated to Llyr. My sorceress’ son is also mated to Llyr. Am I missing anything?”
“One last thing.” Eammon swam to the floor of their father’s cavern and took King Augustine’s crown from his head. He swam closer to Amyr and placed it on their brother’s head. “Aegeaus has a new king.”
“The king is dead. Long live the king,” the Enchantress spoke.
Amyr reached up and touched the crown, sadness in his eyes. After a few heartbeats, the guards repeated the phrase the Enchantress had begun. By the next, Llyr did, as well.
Amyr turned to face King Claus. “I think we’ve more than proven I amno threatto your realm. I hope that we can finally broker peace between our people. A true and lasting peace. No more conflicts at the border. We’ll pull back our warriors if you agree to do the same.”
King Claus searched between Amyr and Eammon before facing Llyr. A smile crossed his lips. He gazed back at Amyr. “I agree to peace. Under three conditions.”
“And those are?” Amyr asked.
“One—a peace treaty. In writing. Signed in your own blood. And mine.”
“Done,” Amyr answered. “Though it will need a little time to be reviewed by all our ministers and approved before any accord can be signed. Can I ask for a cease-fire until then?”
“Of course,” King Claus said. “For my next condition—Prince Llyr shows me the location of my nephew. Queen Deandra’s son Oz.”
Amyr focused on Llyr. Llyr nodded.