“I’ve spent nights with women, but I generally prefer the company of men. But my concern isn’t that she’s a woman—not completely. The women I’ll have to choose from—they are of a type I wish to avoid.”

“But what about Dagr? What happens to him?”

“He’ll move on. Possibly get a wife of his own.”

“But he loves you,” Llyr said. “And you love him.”

The wave of pain at Llyr’s words crashed over Oz. He forced himself not to react. “Love means little in our world. Duty is key.”

“ThatI understand. Love should meaneverything,” Llyr said. “It’s why I ran away from my home and turned my back on everything I hold dear. I refused to marry a man I have no love for. I want someone to cherish me and I him. You have that with Dagr, and yet you’re willing to walk away from it.”

“It’s not as simple as all that. I have responsibilities to my family. A duty. One I must fulfill.” Oz swallowed back the bile rising up his throat. “I wish I could simply wave it all away and spend my days on the seas with Dagr. I love him. More than you know. He’s my friend. My lover. My world.”He paused, the pain almost too unbearable. “If I could find a way to have him beside me for the rest of my days, I would.”

“Why go back? Remain on your ship and sail away together.”

Oz sighed. “I could only run so far. Eventually, my father would have me dragged back home. He’s threatened as much.”

In an instant, Llyr became as white as the sails. Oz searched the water, wondering if the merman had seen something. “Have they reappeared?”

“No,” Llyr murmured. “I only now realize how alike you and I are. Running away from the inevitable. Both understanding we must face our duty. Both wishing we were free to love who we wished.” He smiled wanly. “It’s sad that things couldn’t be different for us.”

Oz thrust his hands through Llyr’s curls and drew him closer. “Therearewitches in Aelymanua. Perhaps we could find one to give you the gift of legs—for longer than a week.”

Llyr gasped. “Do you think it possible?”

“We can try. If it’s something you wished for.”

The light of Llyr’s smile went all the way to his eyes that time. “And then… would you run away with Dagr and I? We could live on this ship and be so very happy together.”

Oz’s stomach clenched. If only he could. “It’s impossible for me… but you and Dagr could. He needs someone to love and care for him when I’m gone. Why not you? You could love him for me, couldn’t you?”

“I could.” Llyr cupped Oz’s cheeks in his hands. “But who would be left to love you?”

“It’s too late for me,” Oz murmured. “Ican’trun anymore. It’s time to face my demons. And my duty…”

Oz clutched Llyr to him, holding their merman tight, wishing he could hold on forever.

Knowing he was powerless to try.

* * *

Later that day, Dagr gazed through his sextant, using one of the three moons as a guide to determine their location. The sun clung to the horizon, its fading light an orange swath, raging against the darkness. The stars had come out to glitter in the sky. A chill breeze washed over him. The farther north they sailed, the colder the temperature grew.

“What is that?”

He spun to see Llyr watching him with interest.

“I’m checking that we haven’t veered off course,” he answered.

Llyr took a step closer and ran his hand along the length of Dagr’s sextant. “What is this thing? I’ve seen one before… but could not fathom what it was for.”

“I can use it to determine our location,” Dagr answered. “I bet you’ve found all sorts of interesting items on the ocean floor.”

The smile that flashed over Llyr’s face was breathtaking. Dagr’s heart clenched again. He was covetous of those smiles and wished to see them more and more.

“I wish I could take you down there with me and go exploring. Could you imagine what fun we’d have?”

Dagr’s lips broke into a smile he struggle to control. Lifting the sextant, he offered Llyr a view. The merman’s excited smile grew broader. Again, Dagr’s chest clenched. He handed over the sextant, their fingertips brushing against one another. Their stares met in that moment, and he drew in a strangled breath. A surge of lust burned through him.