Oz held Llyr’s hand tight as they all but ran down the castle corridor. Guards stationed every so often eyed Llyr curiously as they passed, but none said a word or stopped them. Dagr’s heated regard captured Llyr’s each time he gazed over his shoulder to ensure the man was following behind them. His heart was thundering so hard, he feared it would burst straight out of his chest.

As soon as they were inside a vast set of rooms with the door closed behind them, both men spun to him—shock and surprise written into every line of their faces.

“Is this real?” Oz whispered before brushing a lock of hair from Llyr’s face. “Are you really here with us?”

Llyr nodded, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. He turned to Dagr, who approached slowly—almost as if he was afraid Llyr would bolt. His hand rose to Llyr’s stomach. With a gentle caress, he slowly swirled his palm over the swell.

“Two babies?” Dagr murmured before lifting his stare and holding Llyr’s. “One from each of us?”

Llyr nodded, a smile breaking over his lips. He struggled to hold it back. Not now when he finally had what he craved. Oz’s hand came down to caress his stomach, too.

“I knew you were the thread,” Oz said lowly before kissing Llyr’s forehead.

“The thread?”

“You would bind us all together. I didn’t know how, but I knew we needed you back,” Oz answered. “And now… here you are.” He let out a trembling sigh. “I’m terrified it’s all a dream. I fear I’ll wake up any moment.”

Llyr rose on his toes and pressed a kiss to Oz’s lips. Oz didn’t move at first, allowing Llyr to control the embrace. He stood there, still, trembling as the need took root. But after a moment, his lips moved—nipping here and there—before fully claiming Llyr’s mouth. He moaned as Oz took control of the kiss, one of his captain’s hands sliding up the back of his neck. The second their lips parted, Dagr used a finger to force Llyr’s chin. Again his lips were seized, Dagr as hungry as Oz was.

Oz pushed the thin robe he wore to the floor, where it puddled around his feet. Llyr wore nothing underneath it. Their hands stroked his bare, swollen belly before dipping lower to the hardening shaft jutting out just below it. He moaned against Dagr’s lips… and then Oz’s lips… as they traded his mouth back and forth.

One massaged his balls, the other stroked his shaft. He had no idea which hand was which, nor did he care. They both brought him pleasure, as they had before. A droplet of slick leaked from his ass and rolled down the inside of one globe.

Dagr lifted him into a strong embrace and carried him into in another room within the suite. A large bed dominated the room. Oz peeled back the bedding before Dagr lowered him down. Before climbing in with him, they disrobed, flinging clothing in every direction.

Once they were naked, hard, and ready, they approached the bed.

“Wait,” Dagr said, focusing on Oz. “Do you still have that enormous tub?”

Oz frowned. “Yes.”

A smile came to Dagr’s lips. “Big enough for three?”

Oz’s frown faded and ebbed into a wicked smile. “It might be.”

“What is atub?” Llyr asked.

They both chuckled.

“You’re about to find out,” Dagr said before heading into another room off the bedchamber.

Llyr cocked his head when he heard water. He lifted his stare to Oz. “What is that?”

“Before I ran away, my father had indoor plumbing installed in the castle. Not many homes have it.”

“Indoor plumbing?”

Oz offered a hand. “Just let me show you.”

Llyr took Oz’s hand and was led into the other room. Inside was tiled in white marble, flecked with veins of gray. A candelabra illuminated the room with the help of mirrors on the walls. Llyr gasped as he saw a small empty pool being filled with water flowing from a tube of some kind.

“It’s supposed to be for bathing,” Oz murmured beside him, trailing two fingers up Llyr’s arm. “But perhaps we could haveotherfun there.”

A shiver raced down Llyr’s spine. “Ohyes.”

Dagr offered a hand, urging him closer. Llyr took it, anticipation filling him. He mounted the two steps that led to the tub before reaching down to test the water. It was warm against his fingers. “Perfect.”