“Hewillbe protected. King Augustine has his trident and will have his own guard at the ready.”

“We should remain until they arrive,” one of the guards said.

“He sent me down himself to clear the way. Do you truly wish to countermand your king’s command?”

“Of course not,” one of the guards muttered.

A moment later, Llyr slipped further into the shadows as he hid from the passing guards. Seconds lapsed before he heard Prawnsby whisper his name. He swam from his hiding spot and saw Ryland hovering behind the bars of a nearby cell. Llyr rushed closer, stopping before the bars.

“I’m so sorry, Ryland. I never imagined this would happen.”

“I know you didn’t.”

Tears burned his eyes as he saw the tiny cell Ryland was kept in. It made his own complaints of a lavish prison laughable, at best. “I’ll find a way to free you. Somehow, someway… I’ll get you freed. I promise.”

Ryland reached for his hand, shaking his head. “I broke the rules. I understood what could come of it when I chose to let you escape.”

“I never dreamed my father would take it this far.” Tears burned the backs of his eyes. “And to think you knew it could happen when you let me go…” He paused needing a moment to calm the rage of emotions he felt. Ryland had been willing to sacrificehis lifefor Llyr’s freedom. “I’ve been angry at you… ever since you took on the role of castle guard. I felt you had abandoned me…” He cringed. “I’m so sorry. Hearing you knew what could come and you still allowed me to pass.”

“Granted, I didn’t think King Augustus would take it as far as he has,” Ryland murmured. “I thought his affection for me would save my hide.”

“Irefuseto stand back and watch you die for helping me. I won’t allow it to happen without a fight.” He squeezed Ryland’s hand before Prawnsby’s words slipped through his mind. He lifted his gaze and saw something warm and affectionate in Ryland’s eyes.

His stomach clenched. Had it been there all along? If so, how had he missed it?

It only made the current predicament all the worse. His heart belonged to two other men.

“How was it? Above the sea?” Ryland smiled. “I wish I’d traveled with you.”

“It was amazing,” he answered, unsure where to start.

“Tell meeverything!”The light and excitement in Ryland’s eyes reminded him of their exploits outside the castle when they were boys. When everything was new and each time an adventure. His heart clenched, the memories faded but valued none the less.

“Well,” Llyr said on a sigh. “The Enchantress gave me a spell to give me human legs for seven days—and I nearly drowned when my gills disappeared before I reached the surface.”

“Oh no,” Ryland said. “How did you manage to survive?”

“A passing ship. They pulled me on deck and saved me. The captain gave me safe passage to a port town—where I drank ale and listened to sailors singing bawdy songs. The food was delicious—better than anything I’ve eaten here. And they have fire!”

Ryland grinned. “I heard a rumor that you found your mates while there. Two…humans?”

Llyr held Ryland’s gaze and saw no anger or malice. “I did.”

“How will that work? With them on land and you in the sea?”

“It won’t,” Llyr said, his heart breaking all over again.

Ryland frowned. “Why not?”

Llyr slid his hands away and swam back a bit, pain lancing him through the chest. “There’s a prophecy… that my children with those two men would destroy both our worlds. It’s the reason my father kept me prisoner inside the castle. And the reason I can never see them again.”

“Oh, Llyr… I’m so sorry.” He punched one of the bars. “Had I not let you out, I could’ve saved you this pain.”

He swam closer, placing a hand over Ryland’s gripping the bar. “It was my choice to leave. You only did what you thought was right—I put you in this cell and won’t have you punishing yourself for something that’s not your fault.”

“Is there no way back to them?”

“None that I’ve thought of yet—though I no idea where to begin trying. I’ve read the prophecy—and it fits. Itallfits.” He shook his head, rubbing his stomach. “I can’t be the one to end our worlds. I have no choice but to stay.”