“Perhaps I do,” Oz grated out. “I’m the one in charge here.”
“This ship might be yours… but we both know who thetruedominant is.”
Oz forced himself not to moan. Not to tremble. Not to show one ounce of submission.
“I commanded you to take your clothes off. Iexpectto be obeyed.”
“Make me,”Oz whispered hotly.
A cruel smile twisted over Dagr’s lips seconds before his coat was yanked down his arms. He tore at the material and once down Oz’s arms, Dagr cast it to the floor. With a rip, he tore Oz’s shirt. Tiny buttons went flying, bouncing over the planked floor. Dagr paused a moment, spreading his palms over Oz’s bare chest. Remnants of his shirt hung from his arms and waist as he stood there, attempting to deny the inevitable.
“YouknowI will win,” Dagr murmured as he trailed his fingertips down to the waist of Oz’s pants.
With another tug, he pulled the front of Oz’s trousers open. More buttons skittered over the floor. His garments had been repaired so often over the course of their adventures, he’d become quite adept at sewing. Out of necessity. His cabin boys had become too questioning as to why so many of his clothes had been torn.
Dagr pushed his pants down, past his hips before spinning him and shoving his upper body to the end of the mattress. Where Llyr huddled, partially undressed. Their merman’s eyes were wide. A bit of fear and shock filled his expression as he watched the pair.
“Itoldyou to disrobe,” Dagr scowled at Llyr.
Llyr’s gaze went to Oz, searching. He smiled slightly at Llyr before glancing over his shoulder. “He’s never seen this side of you. He’s afraid.”
Dagr bent him over the bed before tying both hands behind him with a bit of rope. Once done, Oz gasped as Dagr gave his ass a loud slap. The strike drew a yawning moan from Oz’s lips. When he opened his eyes, he saw Llyr’s fear fading. Excitement appeared to fill in the void it left behind. He winked at Llyr, but cried out seconds later as another spank seared across his bottom.
After Dagr tugged his pants down farther, he kicked out of them. His legs were widened while his upper body was pressed against the bed.
“Oz refuses to submit,” Dagr explained to Llyr. “I have toforcehim to yield.”
“And does he like this? You forcing him?”
Dagr chuckled. “He loves it.” Dagr grabbed Oz’s too long locks and lifted his head. “Don’t you, sweetheart?”
“I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t,” Oz murmured before Dagr captured his lips for a brief kiss. “But you’d best do a better job or I might take over the reins.”
“Is that a threat I hear?”
Oz chuckled, the sound low and throaty, even to his own ears. “One you know I can fulfill.”
Dagr dropped Oz roughly to the bed and resumed his spanking. His strikes came in twos and threes, between gentle caresses to ease the pain. He varied the pressure. Oz tensed before each one, unsure what he’d receive. Sweat soon coated his body, his muscles straining against the pleasure-pain. His cries grew with each volley, the agony and the ecstasy swinging like a pendulum.
“You’re too loud. I think you need something in your mouth to shut you up,” Dagr whispered beside him. He grasped Llyr’s ankle and tugged him closer. Now nude, Llyr’s cock rose between his legs. The crest glistened with cum. Hungrily, Oz licked his lips.
“You can’t make me,” Oz said, his voice almost failing him, especially as a smile attempted to come to his lips.
Dagr clasped his hair at the nape and shoved his head between Llyr’s legs. While there, he turned his face—refusing the very thing he wanted desperately to taste. When his lips rubbed against Llyr’s inner thigh, he licked their merman there as an assurance that he was alright. That they were alright. Under his tongue, he felt Llyr relax… his message received.
Llyr moaned as his mouth searched farther down. He could taste an unexpected wet sweetness there—and he was hungry for more.
“I gave you an order,” Dagr growled before lifting Oz’s chin in his hand. He forced a finger into Oz’s mouth. “Youwilldo as I say.”
Oz sucked Dagr’s finger, smiling around it.
Dagr chuckled. “That’s a good boy.” He withdrew his finger before pushing Oz’s head down. “Show me how good a boy you can be.”
Oz took Llyr’s cock between his lips, moaning as he slid down the entire length. Hands bound, he was powerless to explore. He wished to massage the base and balls, yet he could only suckle. So suckle, he did.
Dagr revisited his position behind Oz and continued the assault. More spanks followed, his whines muffled by Llyr’s root in his mouth. But Llyr’s grew, adding to the cacophony of sound. Oz hummed and moaned around Llyr’s shaft—lost to the dual sensations. He gave and received pleasure, all at the same time.
Pleasure and pain.