Dagr lifted a hand to cup Llyr’s cheek. “Yes… it would have.”

He lowered his head, unable to stop himself from stealing a kiss from their beautiful merman. Llyr’s lips were soft and pliable, welcoming his advance. Nipping and laying soft kisses at first, Dagr soon surrendered to the hunger within and strengthened the embrace. He held tight to the back of Llyr’s head, letting their lips and tongue war with one another.

Llyr’s hands fisted in the front of his linen shirt before tugging it from the waist of his pants and placing two cool palms on his stomach. He growled at the chill—but refused to stop the voracious kiss. His heat rose and warmed those hands until they were like braziers against his abdomen.

Cock hard, aching need coursed through his veins. He had to share Llyr’s body again. Their merman was becoming an obsession—one he was more than willing to surrender control to. He didn’t want to squander another moment. He’d wasted enough time as it was.

“Perhaps you two would like a cabin?”

Breathless, Dagr glanced over one shoulder and grinned when he saw Oz watching them together.

“I mean, if you wish to continue putting on a show for the whole crew, be my guest. I have no problem watching the two of you on fire for one another,” Oz murmured, resting against the doorframe to his cabin.

Dagr glanced around and realized the crewwasshuffling around and could see their every move. He’d always been so careful to hide his lusts for other men—but Llyr had caused him to forget himself. Heat flooded his face as he pulled Llyr toward Oz’s cabin. “Your cabin would be perfect.”

He urged Llyr in first and then waved a hand, urging Oz in.

Oz shook his head. “Why don’t the two of you have some time alone—justthe two of you?”

Dagr froze. They never had sex with another without the other there.Never.“Why?”

“I plan to seek out a witch once we’re home—and see if Llyr’s trip above the waves can be extended. So he can be there for you after…”


Oz frowned, his manner hinting at distance. “After we part.”

Dagr stiffened. His lover was putting up walls. “No. Either you come with us, or we’ll halt right here and now.”

“We need to face facts,” Oz said. “Our time is almost over. Tomorrow we arrive home.”

“And that’s tomorrow. Not tonight. Tonight, we’re still lovers and youwillspend it with us.”

“I thought I was the one in charge here?”

Dagr stepped in closer, nose to nose with the man he loved. “I think tonight, you need to be reminded how much you likenotbeing in charge.”

A shiver seemed to race down Oz’s spine. “Do you think yourself man enough to get me to submit?”

“I do. So let’s go prove me right.”

Oz stared a moment, silent. Heat flared in his eyes. “Challenge accepted.”


Dagr shoved Oz through the doorframe, a bit roughly. He spun to see his commander shutting the door, a fire in the man’s eyes. Oz drew in a shuddering breath. The expression on Dagr’s face was one he’d seen before.



On nights he’d seen it before, that mien had signaled his eventual surrender. Each and every time. A quiver sped through him, sending the fine hairs on his neck and arms on end.

“Take your clothes off. Both of you,” Dagr spat.

From the corner of his eye, Oz could see Llyr obeying without question. He would not make it so easy on his lover. Adrenaline coursed in his veins… and he lifted his chin. A rebuff. Dagr stormed closer and grabbed him by the chin.

“You refuse me?”