As if it were alive.

A fire burned within him, too, growing with each passing moment. They stoked the embers with their caresses and their own heated desire. Both men were only in their trousers—it had been the sole piece of clothing they’d drawn on before the fight. He took advantage of his good fortune. Llyr closely observed their muscular torsos. Dagr’s bronze chest was deeply muscled and dusted with dark, curling hairs that traveled down past the waist of his pants. Oz’s was paler—yet darker than Llyr’s—with fewer wisps of hair. A few dusted over his pecs, but did not travel down. His fingers itched to traced over the lines of muscle and sinew, learning every inch of them.

And then he’d remove their pants and learn more about the thick shafts he’d already had driving inside him. The more he imagined what would come next, the hotter he got. He stood there, his body quickening with his meandering thoughts.

Oz poured wine into three small cups, his broad back to Llyr. Then the captain strolled closer, carrying all three. He offered one to Llyr with a grin.

“I believe I offered you a nightcap. It’s the least I can do,” Oz murmured with a wink.

“I’d dare guess it’s nearly daylight,” Llyr said as he reached for one of the cups.

Oz chuckled lowly, the seductive sound sending need spiraling through Llyr. With the cup remaining in his clutches, Oz elevated it above his head and offered a salute. “To new friends.”

Llyr smiled and hefted his cup, parroting the sentiment once he heard Dagr repeat it. He brought the rim to his lips and took a sip—before sputtering it out and coughing as a strong, bitter flavor burned his throat.

Oz rubbed his back. “Are you alright?”

“What…isthat?” Llyr asked once he finally caught his breath.

“Whiskey,” Oz murmured. He frowned slightly and lifted his chin. “You’ve never had alenorwhiskey?”

“I assumed this was wine,” Llyr replied, heat filling his face. He’d heard of whiskey, but had never been allowed to sample it. “My father says hard spirits are dangerous. Humans too easily succumb to them.” Wine was what most imbibed in his kingdom—though Llyr had heard tales of secret establishments that catered to those who liked hard drink. He eyed the cup, fearful of taking another draught.

“Sip it,” Dagr whispered. The sound of the man’s voice was as warm as the whiskey still heating his throat. Dagr nodded to the glass, urging Llyr to try again. He took a small sip, showing how it was to be done.

His stare was dragged to Dagr’s lips. They were the fullest lips he’d ever seen. Llyr licked his own as he watched Dagr do the same, lapping up a drop of whiskey that had drippled over the swell. Instinct urged him to lean forward and kiss the flavor from the human’s lips—but he hesitated. He feared taking liberties he wasn’t afforded.

Earlier, the sex had been instinct—prodded on by his heat. Both men had claimed to be bound by Llyr’s need. Had that been the only reason Dagr had touched him?

Llyr eyed Dagr.No. I can see the need in his eyes. He hungers me.

Still he hesitated, fearful. He didn’t want to be fearful with either of them. He wished to know he could reach out and touch… and taste… all he aspired.

Unsure what to do, he looked down at the cup clenched in his trembling hand. He attempted a sip. The second time, he had a better idea of what was to come. The taste was at first sharp, but there was a pleasant warmth as it spread over his tongue and down his throat. That warmth pooled in his belly and added to the growing need building within.

“Better,” Llyr murmured. “Thank you.”

Dagr bowed his head slightly, offering a wisp of a smile. When he lifted his stare, there was no doubt he hungered. Llyr held Dagr’s dark gaze… which caused him to squirm inside.

Oz moved a bit closer, stealing his attention again. The handsome captain smiled provocatively, the warmth in his eyes shining with a mixture of good humor and obvious desire. “You seem nervous,” Oz whispered as he lifted his hands to Llyr’s shoulders. “You said you wished to be with us, did you not?”

“I do,” Llyr said a little more quickly than he’d intended. Heat flooded his face. “Last time… it was instinct. It was… easier… in some ways.” He trembled under Oz’s hands. “Now the anticipation is killing me.”

Oz chuckled. “Anticipation is agoodthing.”

He tipped Llyr’s chin up before claiming a kiss. Llyr moaned against Oz’s mouth, ravenous to taste them both. The kiss started slow. Oz nipped at his lips leisurely before trailing down Llyr’s neck and nuzzling at the spot where it met his shoulder.

Lips parted on a sigh, Llyr lifted his gaze to see Dagr watching them. He leaned a hip against Oz’s desk, cradling the cup in one hand while with the other, he brushed a palm down his thick thigh.

Beside the impression of a hard cock pressing the fabric of his trousers out.

Dagr lifted the cup to his lips, sipping it like Llyr craved to be savored.

Why does he wait? Ineedhim.

Disregarding his trepidation, he reached out to Dagr with one hand as Oz tasted back up the column of his throat. Dagr’s large, warm hand slid against his as Oz claimed his mouth again. Thus began a war between his two lovers, both of them eager to drink from his lips—all while their hands roamed over his ripening body.

Slick soon glazed his ass cheeks. The scent of his arousal filled his nose, and he wondered if humans had the same senses a merman had.