Avery listened for the opening and closing of the door, grateful to recognize when his uncle had departed. Relief set in, the lying halted. At least for a little while.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,”he muttered.
* * *
Avery eyedtheHeatexbottle in his bathroom cabinet. It had been hell dealing with Lake’s grumbling and whining. After two long, hard days of it, his own heat was finally hitting. He’d ignored the pre-heat trio of pills, sure he would manage, but he’d awoken in the gray of early morning, curled in a little ball of need. His body was on fire, and the urge to be fucked was far past anything he’d experienced.
Voices whispered in his mind, urging him to seek a partner.
Be claimed.
A vision of Wilder came to his mind, and his entire body spasmed with need, his cock leaking. Abundant slick leaked down his thighs. After all but crawling into the bathroom, he’d dragged himself to the counter to search for the bottle he’d left in the medicine cabinet.
He wasn’t sure he had the strength to deal with a full heat, not with the additional pressure of Lake’s first. Professor Conover’s words circled in his mind. He realized he needed to get the break in as soon as possible… but the timing was off.
I’ll take off the next heat. I can’t deal with his whining and whatever’s coming for me at the same time.He swallowed his first pill with a handful of water from the tap.
He crawled back into bed, praying sleep would take him. It did after he’d masturbated twice.
When he awoke again, he was more himself. The lingering want was still strong, but controllable. He got up and used the bathroom before starting his daily routine. As he was brushing his teeth, Lake scooted in and stopped in front of the toilet. Avery stared at his brother’s back in the mirror, unsure if he should speak or not. Lake was a moody teenager on his best day. That day wasn’t likely one of his best. He continued brushing his teeth, opting for a wait and see situation.
Once the toilet was flushed, Lake turned to face him.
“I feel better today.”
Avery inwardly sighed, relieved. “I’m glad to hear it.”Maybe I shouldn’t have taken that pill after all. Fuck, what am I saying? I was floundering.
“It’s not completely gone. I still sense it a bit, but it’s bearable this morning.”
Avery wasn’t sure what to say to his brother… or if his comment might take the shine off the morning. Lake’s moods were mercurial, at best. “Well, being your first, it can sometimes come in waves.”
“It might not,” Avery mentioned. “It might be done and over—the worst of it, anyway.”
“I liked theHeatexbetter than what Uncle Gray brought.Heat Repress?More likeHeat Repressive.They’re just keeping us down.”
“I know how you feel,” Avery replied, staring at his brother in the mirror. “ButHeatexis illegal, and it was dangerous giving it to you at all.”
“I should have the right to choose.”
“You absolutely should,” Avery murmured. “We all should.”
“It’s not right,” Lake lamented, sitting down on the closed toilet. “It’s not right that we’re treated like chattel. Vessels for the next generation. We should have the same rights as alphas… allowed to be whoever we wish to be. Allowed to have a child…or not.”
Avery rinsed his mouth out before shutting off the water and covering his toothbrush. He spun and leaned back against the bathroom counter. “I completely agree.”
Lake stared a moment, an odd look on his face. Avery couldn’t deduce the emotion… as it seemed several were floating in and out of the teenager’s expression.
“Umm… I realize I’ve never said it before… but what you’re doing is…amazing.”
Avery stood stunned. He was more accustomed to his brother’s acrimony. “Thanks?”
“I mean it. I know I’ve given you a lot of shit over the years… and a lot the last couple of days. I also know you did this for us… me and Auggie… to ensure we would survive in this world. I’ve never thanked you for it.”