Page 47 of His Reluctant Omega

Wilder searched the guy’s handsome face, his hackles rising all the more.

“This is Wilder Jaymes, Rohan’s best friend,” Gray said, introducing him to the young man. “Wilder, this is Brett Boyd,Abe’sbest friend.”

Wilder narrowed his eyes slightly and lifted his chin, getting a better look at the beta. He was too handsome. His smile too clever. “It’s nice to meet you, Brett.”

“So how come Rohan’s bestie comes to the celebration?” Brett stared at Silver’s head. “You here for babysitting duty?”

Wilder didn’t know how much the young man knew of their interconnected family… or of Jamie. He looked to Gray to explain.

“I think Abraham has told you about Jamie, Rohan’s first mate?”

Brett nodded.

“Wilder isn’t only Rohan’s best friend, but he’s Jamie’s brother. Part of the family, you might say.”

He’s Jamie’s brother.

No “was”. No past tense. Wilder’s heart tightened. Leave it to Gray to get him emotional with what ultimately accounted to word choice. But yet, it waseverything, too.

“Ah,” Brett replied, sizing Wilder up. “Sorry for your loss.”

Wilder nodded, too choked up to speak.

The house lights dropped, and a hush of quiet fell over the crowd, albeit for the sounds of audience members taking their seats. One dean came to the podium and spoke eloquently about moving on, rising, and seeking goals. One by one, the baby and then the toddlers began getting fussy. Wilder took turns with Rohan taking them out to the concourse and quieting them down so Gray could remain and watch the ceremony.

He returned to his seat with Silver just in time.

“Havalin Nixon,”the dean spoke out.

Wilder pushed past Brett and took his seat.

“Majors Noah.”

Wilder tensed.

“Abraham Norcross.”

Gray and family, along with Brett, cheered, rising from their seats. Wilder could only sit, staring at the huge image of Abraham shown on the big screen as he crossed the stage, a full smile filled with pride on his lips. Hunger swelled within, mixed with pride and joy. One he’d taken no role in helping with, of course, though not for lack of want.

“Jaylin North.”

Wilder continued watching as Abraham exited the stage and returned to his seat. He then had a location and could stare from afar. For the rest of the ceremony, his eyes were glued to Abraham.


Abe turned, seeming to feel the weight of his stare—which was impossible from that distance and the shadows engulfing him. The only reason Wilder had a better opportunity to see was that the graduates, seated so close to the front, were basked in some of the stage lights.

Gray rose, a testy Jasyn in his arms.

“Want me to take him?” Wilder asked without looking away from Abe.

“My turn now that I’ve seen what I came to see.”

“Gee thanks,” Rohan whispered loudly, rolling his eyes.

Wilder chuckled at his friend, knowing it would be rude to leave mid-ceremony, but agreeing that being left there wasn’t exactly where he’d want to be.

The ceremony stretched out until they reached the last graduate. They ended the service with the tossing of caps and great cheering from all within. When it was over, Wilder realized Gray had never returned, and the whole of their group exited the auditorium in search of papa and infant. Wilder was the first to find the pair seated on a leather couch, in front of a large window, Jasyn hungrily nursing away.