Sebastian’s upper lip curled, fury pouring from him, leaking through my barrier. “Where’s that server?” he growled and sped from the room. Erianna followed; Zach just shook his head, staring at the plate. Anna stopped eating her orange slices, holding her stomach.


A chill washed over me as I entered the dungeons. The vampire, Henry, who’d posed as my server, stood behind solid bars, his jaw clenching when I saw him. My father had sent him down here once he found out what he’d done. I noticed the unhealing wound under the rib cage, from Erianna’s magically infused dagger. She must have stabbed him deep. I tilted my head, and he winced when he moved.

I stepped forward, unafraid of the blond-haired man, whose fangs elongated when I got close. “They say you acted alone, but we both know that’s not true.”

“I don’t care what you believe,” he said, and spat on the ground.

“Why did you do it?”

He tilted his head, a sadistic grin lifting his lips. “Did they tell you who the meat belonged to?”

I swallowed thickly. “No.”

He sped to the bars, his face inches from mine, his putrid breath hitting my nostrils. “They’re trying to protect you.” He laughed, his gaze maddening. “We dug up your little friend, after the queen buried the mortal.” His fingers curled around the bars, his long nails scraping the metal. “We seasoned him best, but the smell was awful. Did you at least take a bite?”

A wave of numbness as the realization of what he was saying pounded into me.Draven. They cooked my best friend.

He moved back, amusement threading through his expression. “Ah, you did, didn’t you? He was rotten, but we still enjoyed parts of him.”

“We?” I noticed. He didn’t respond. I paced in a circle, then placed my hands on the bars, scowling. “Who else was involved?”

He approached the bars, opened his mouth, beckoning me closer. I didn’t budge. “I can hear you from here.” His face contorted, the gray of his irises reminding me of the sludge left behind after the snow melts. “You’re going to die.”

“I already did,” I said dismissively, placing a hand on my hip. “I’m going to give you one chance to tell me who you were working with. If you don’t, then we’ll do it the hard way.”

He spat through the bars, landing saliva on my chest.

Gritting my teeth, I wiped it off with my sleeve. “The hard way it is.”

Raising my hands, I allowed the darkness, purring with magic, to rip through my core, directing its energy into the cell. A high-pitched ringing shrilled into the dungeons, and Henry pressed his palms against his ears, dropping to his knees. Then, with another wave of energy, heat seared from me and into his body as I raised the vibration of the particles in his blood. His screams were like music in my ears as he clawed at his skin, trying to tear the pain from his soul.

I cocked my head, feeling nothing as I watched him writhe in agony. It was a full minute before I slowed my mind enough to pull back my powers, relieving him.

Sweating, he glowered up at me from all fours, his breaths quickening. “You’re a freak.”

I crouched down, looking him in the eye. “I’m a sorceress, a true descendent of the gods. I was granted immortality, so I could reign over dicks like you. I can take you to the edge of death, liquify your skin, causing you the most unimaginable pain. Then I’ll bring you back—repeatedly—until you spill the names of your conspirators.”

“They told me you were weak.”

I laughed, a high-pitched noise unlike one I’d made before. Sadism ran through my veins, pumping my heart faster. “I used to be. That girl is dead. This one is sick and fucking tired of vampires like you ruining my life. So, like I said before, we can do this the easy or the hard way.”

He huffed out a breath, climbing back to his feet. “You’re going to kill me either way.”

“You’re wrong.”

He arched a thin, blond brow. “You’ll show me mercy? After I cooked your friend?”

My top lip curled. “No. But I will keep you alive if you don’t tell me. I will devote every minute of my waking life to ensure yours is miserable. The underworld will feel like a vacation compared to what I have planned for you.”

“I do not fear you, or the underworld.”

I sighed slowly, shaking my head. Rage clawed at my center, growling to be let loose, but I recalled my lessons with Azia. Giving myself a moment to calm my emotions, I thought of Sebastian, Erianna and even Zach. My heart slowed as I held my breath until my head cooled.

Then, opening my eyes, I directed my magic at him. My powers grappled over to him, like arms stretching through the bars. Willing my magic to raise the vibration at his groin, he grabbed his dick, scowling. Embers and sparks burned holes through his pants as I set him on fire. In a trance-like state, I allowed the flames to lick up his torso, controlling each movement, prolonging the torture. The putrid stink of burning flesh and singed hair filled the cell, as smoke pillared up, choking the air.

Howling erupted from his insipid mouth, and I pulled back my bottom lip, pressing it against my top teeth. Seconds ticked into minutes, and I stopped at the brink, leaving enough of him to heal.