He shrugged, sitting back in his chair. “I like to know what’s going on.”

Zach smirked. “He takes his princely duties very seriously.” He peered at Sebastian. “You look great in that crown. It’s so…sparkly.”

Sebastian laughed. “Don’t be jealous, brother. Not all of us can look so good wearing anything.”

Zach rolled his eyes, then grinned. Erianna opened the doors. She seemed happier today, and I made it a point not to stare at her back, which was covered by a long, sunset-orange dress, complimenting her skin tone. “It’s good to see your egos still in check.” She took her seat, and Zach and Anna sat beside her. She turned her attention to me. “Now you’re married to him, Liv. You’ll need to try to knock him down a notch or two. It used to be Zach’s place.”

He laughed. “Oh, come now, Erianna. You always helped.”

“Someone had to.”

A vampire server walked in, holding a platter of three goblets. “They’re still warm, Your Highness,” he said, placing one each down in front of Sebastian, then Zach and finally, Erianna. He snapped a glare at me. “Your food will be ready momentarily, Your Highness,” he said, barely glancing at Anna. “Yours too.” He hurried out the doors.

Anna leaned across, lighting the candles down the center of the table as Zach hissed air between his teeth. “YourHighness,” he said with a grin at Sebastian. “I bet you don’t tire of hearing that.”

“It’s nice to be finally recognized,” he replied with a wink.

I was surprised at how quickly he’d leaned into his role, despite not wanting any of this and losing any chance at becoming mortal again. But when he looked across the table at me, his gaze widening, I realized it was love. Us. Affection floated in our bond, and I touched the side of my cheek.

Zach groaned. “I will never get used to that gooey look in your eyes.”

Erianna drank her blood, then wiped her mouth with a napkin. “He’s in love. I admit, I never thought I’d see the day.”

My face heated, but Sebastian only focused on me. “What can I say?” He tilted his head. “I never thought I’d find my soulmate, especially one so amazing.”

Anna pouted. “Aww. That’s so sweet.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Don’t start,” he joked and drained his drink. “Where’s that server?”

I shuffled against the hard wooden chair. “Probably in no rush. I don’t think he likes me.” I glanced down at my place setting. “Most don’t.”

Erianna clicked her tongue. “Most of them are assholes, anyway.”

I chuckled. “I think they just need a little help to see the light.”

Zach snorted. “Good luck with that.”

Sebastian lifted his chin. “If anyone can do it, it’s her.”

“You give me too much credit,” I responded, but my heart swelled regardless of my doubts. He believed in me, so did the gods, and that’s all I needed. “Azia’s helping me a lot, though. I like him.”

“Uh oh,” Zach said, with a teasing grin. “You have competition, brother.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes, and the doors reopened. The server placed a plate in front of him, his glowering, intrusive stare never leaving mine. I glared back into those deep, black pools and held back a shudder.

He sank into a reluctant bow, then stepped back. “Enjoy your meal, Your Highness.” He walked to Anna and shoved a bowl of freshly cut orange slices on the table, not saying a word to her.

I stared down at my plate. A slab of what I assumed was pork from the smell, yet looked like beef, was coated in thick gravy, served with chopped carrots and roasted potatoes. Everything smelled delicious, and I pressed my fork into the tender meat, my stomach rumbling. I cut through it, and it was unlike anything I’d tried before. But then, I hadn’t had meat since I’d become immortal. My senses were heightened, and I could feel the strings in the meat stretching and breaking under the knife. Slowly, I lifted it to my mouth, pressing it to my lips.

Sebastian stood, his chair screeching back, and raced to my side. “Don’t eat that.”


Erianna stood, unsheathing her dagger. “Sebastian?”

“That’s not animal meat.” He leaned over my plate, sniffing. “It’s mortal.”

I dropped the fork back onto my plate, holding back a gag. I wrinkled my nose, my eyebrows pulling down as I slid my chair back, backing away from the plate. “They served me a mortal?” A shiver tingled my spine, and bile bit up my throat, burning my esophagus.