“I wish there was a way to know for sure.” I glanced at the demonic symbols and thought back to the demon board. My father said they were used to contact demons, and maybe if I could get ahold of it, I could speak to one.

“Don’t go playing with demons,” Azia said, sensing where my thoughts drifted. “We can’t know everything, and sometimes that has to be enough.”

For you, I thought and gazed at the fire, transfixed by the flames. I wondered what the underworld was like and how it looked. If the aniccipere were only half-demon, then I shuddered to think what an actual demon was like.

“I won’t,” I half truthed, because while I didn’t want to speak to a demon, the idea still lingered. If only to see if there was a way for the people I loved to not end up in that dark prison for eternity.

Draven’s soul was at peace, at least. Knowing that brought me comfort. I was so glad I’d never changed him into an immortal before his death. I couldn’t bear it if he had ended up in that awful place.

Azia stood, screeching the chair legs back slowly. “Shall we move on to the next part of your lesson?”

My magic prickled my fingers. “Yes. Let’s do this thing.”

He let out a soft chuckle, and I followed him to the living area, readying myself to feel his emotions again. I wasn’t ready to go back anyway, wanting to spend the rest of my day with Azia. The cottage was the closest I’d felt to anything homely since arriving, but the pull of being with Sebastian was just as strong.

Closing my eyes, I reached out, touching his emotions, and spent the next hour exhausting my gifts until there was nothing left.



I walked into the private dining room, clutching the note Sebastian had left on our bed.Meet me downstairs.

I brushed a kiss against his lips, then pulled back before he could fully embrace me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Don’t tease me,” he warned.

“You left me a note, like you had when we first met. You trying to recreate the scene?” I asked, smirking.

“You hated me then,” he stated. “I wanted us all to be together again, for one meal. Zach agreed to go to the city with Anna tomorrow, and I don’t think they’ll be back soon.”

“Is Erianna coming?”

He nodded. “I invited your mom, but Sargon wants her to attend some meeting with him. He can feed any important information back to us.”

“Good.” My eyes widened. “I don’t want her at our friend dinner, anyway. She’s my mom.”

He arched a brow. “You know we’re not eating them, right?”

I arched a brow, followed by a stilted laugh. “Real funny.”

He pulled out my chair first, then took his own seat. “I try.”

Zach walked in with Anna on his arm. Her smile was wider than usual, her brown eyes glossy, sparkling as if she’d aged back a year. I was certain it was the idea of getting out of here. “Brother.” Sebastian stood, giving him a half hug, patting me on the shoulder. He gave a bow to me, his expression as stoic as ever. “Princess.”

I tilted my head. “Are we not on first-name terms anymore?”

Sebastian shot him an incredulous glare, and he sighed. “Olivia, you look lovely tonight.”

I grinned. “How painful was that?”

“Excruciating,” he replied, a hint of a smile on his thin lips.

Anna ran down his arm, touching his fingers as she brushed past him, and leaned down, pulling me into a tight hug. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You, too, Anna.” She let go, and I smiled up at her kind face. “I’m glad you’ve decided to get out of here. The vampires here are savages.”

She nodded. “We need some time to ourselves. He’s always so busy.”

I glanced at Sebastian, grinning. “Sebastian’s always running off, attending meetings.”