Olivia casted her eyes over her shoulder, a look of knowing piercing through.Fuck.

Kalon spoke this time, his voice resonating around the room. “It doesn’t matter. They know she was the reason he was locked away. They won’t just be after her, they’ll be after all of us. They never did like a royal hierarchy.” He gritted his teeth, grating the noise through me, crawling a shiver down my spine. “I have no issues sending them down to meet their fathers.”

She walked to the demon board, passing her fingertip over each of the sigils, each engraved with an animal representing the demons. “I’d heard stories of possessions and incubi sleeping with people in Baldoria, when I was younger, but I never thought they were true.”

Sargon nodded. “We kidnapped any babies born as aniccipere before it could be proved.”

Kalon glared. “We have spies in every kingdom. So it’s important we know what’s going on.”

I scoffed. “We know,” I stated, my tone laced with threat.

Sargon still didn’t know Kalon was behind the vampires sent to kill Olivia. He spun it as they went to kidnap Ravena for Sargon, and Kalon would just deny any part to play with Olivia, anyway. We had no proof, but doubts were the best seeds to plant, severing ties slowly. Their bond was one we would snap, then let the brothers destroy each other once it all crashed and burned.

It was a long time coming, with Kalon’s resentment of Sargon, and Sargon’s jealousy. Love was the only barrier, and with the king having a doting daughter and people he trusted, that love for his brother could finally be redirected.

Kalon glowered in my direction, but I didn’t so much as flinch. I wanted him to squirm, unable to control what was coming, only knowing something was happening, unable to see what. His eyes glinted madness, his eyebrows drawing flat, bulging the top of his nose.

Sargon stepped back, pulling the board away from Olivia. “No need to worry, daughter. Go get your rest. Tomorrow you can have your lesson with Azia, and I will show you the inner workings of this court in the evening.”

I took her hand, knotting it with my own. “Come on, love. Let’s get to bed.” I bowed to Sargon, and to put on the genuine show, also bowed to Kalon, even though I didn’t have to. Not with the same title as prince.

Olivia curtseyed, and we hurried out of the room. Once we were out of earshot, she spun to face me, her hands clasped in front of her, smiling wider than I’d seen in weeks. “It worked. He believes us.”

“You were quite the actress,” I whispered a kiss against her lips. “This was clever.”

She nudged her nose against mine. “I learned from the best.” She paused, twiddling her thumbs. “I need to tell you something. I know you killed Hamza.”

Ice prickled through my core, rooting me to the spot. My heart galloped in my chest, a tell she felt instantly. Before I could choke out the lie, out of fear of her seeing the monster I’d become. Because I didn’t just kill him, I’d have admitted that in a heartbeat. But because I also killed two innocent guards to cover my tracks.

She splayed her fingers over my chest, calming me. “It’s okay, Sebastian. I know about the guards, too. I love the very best and worst of you.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, realizing she was pulling the worry from my head through her gift. “He needed to die after what he did to you.”

She closed her eyes, rubbing her thumb over my shirt. “Thank you for protecting me. Please don’t keep anything from me again. You can always tell me.”

My gaze burned into hers, her soul reaching to meet mine through our touch. “I know. The same goes to you. I didn’t know today was your birthday.”

She pressed her lips tight. “I didn’t feel like celebrating.”

“I’m still getting you a cake. I’ll head to the kitchens now.”

She chuckled. “I can’t imagine youbaking.”

“I’m not that bad of a cook you know,” I said with a wink. “Almost one of my many skills.” She grinned, and I was just happy to see her with some light in her eyes. “Sweetheart.” I tugged her closer. “Happy birthday. I understand you don’t want to celebrate, especially after burying Draven. I’m sorry this day was tainted with sadness for you.” I rested my forehead against hers. “When you’re feeling up to it, I’d like to take you somewhere with Erianna. We can take a break from this place, if only for a little while.”

“What about Hamza’s followers?” She shuddered, and I closed my eyes. The idea of them reaching her brought out something primal in me.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

She let out a long exhale. “My powers are growing stronger too. Azia is helping me a lot. He says he’s not a therapist, but he acts like one. I like him.”

“Good.” I brushed my lips against her temple. “I know you can protect yourself, but I will always put your first. I don’t care who I have to kill.”

She placed her hand on my chest, splaying her fingers over my racing heart. “I’ll kill for you too.”

My stomach knotted. I hadn’t ever felt anyone love me like this before, except maybe my mom. The memory of her washed into my mind, like a faded picture.

“Sebastian?” Her gaze bore into my own. “What’s wrong? You forget, I can feel the same pain you do.”