Penelope peered at me with her honey-brown eyes, her tanned skin glowing from rose-scented lotion. I leaned in, smelling the rosewater on her neck and chest. She placed her hand on my chest, glancing in Kalon’s direction, who was far too busy talking to both kings to concern himself with us. Occasionally, I’d catch them watching, so I did my best to put on a show. “Did no one teach you how to dance?” I asked, as she missed another step.

“Not to this terrible music.”

I rolled my eyes. “All I’ve heard is complaints and comparisons. If you don’t like it here, why make yourself a permanent resident and mess up all our lives?”

She took another misstep, and I corrected her. She let out a breathy sigh. Her tiara—held in place by her golden ringlets knotted into a high bun—glinted under the catches of light from the chandelier. Seraphina walked in with Sebastian, meeting a praised smile from Sargon. Kalon’s eyes followed them across the room. She was paler than usual, even for an immortal, and the bloodshot tinge in her eyes dulled the olive green. Sebastian twirled her around, holding her close as they stepped in perfect sync to the music. Unlike my dance partner, Seraphina was perfect.

I let out a low growl as Penelope swung herself around on one foot, facing me with a pointed stare. “I don’t like the way you look at her.” She glanced at Seraphina, the muscle in her jaw twitching.

“She’s the princess, I can’t help it,” I admitted, not really caring what she thought of me, or knew.

“I’m a princess, too.”

Not the one I want.Placing my hand around her chin, I pulled her gaze back to mine, away from the only women who mattered in this castle. “Jealous?”

“Of her?” She scoffed. “Why would I be? She doesn’t have anything I don’t.”

“Who are you trying to convince?” I asked. “Me or you?”


I released my grip, then pressed my thumb against the trickle of blood dried on my bottom lip. I must have missed a spot. Alana tasted good when I’d fed on her in the dungeon, like liquid ecstasy, even if the experience was ruined by the environment. Bloodlust lingered in my veins, shooting arousal down at my hardening dick at the thought of feeding on her again. “I’m hungry.”

“You just fed.” She rolled her brown eyes and let out a mocking laugh. “You can’t control yourself. It’s pathetic.”

“You’re making a scene, darling!” I shot her a warning glare; Seraphina moved her gaze to us. And I wasn’t about to let this bitch make a fool out of me.

“I am? You’re the one who won’t stop staring at her.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, her words lost under the low chatter of the room. “If she’s going to be a problem, I’ll remove her. For good.”

Her threat cut through the lust, sweeping rage into my tensing muscles. “Say that again,” I warned, gripping her shoulder, digging my nails in until I could smell blood, “and I’ll tie you up, duct tape that vile mouth, and fuck her in front of you.” Silence befell a couple of nobles in eavesdropping distance, and I sucked in a deep breath, holding back my growl. The quiver of Penelope’s bottom lip satisfied the monster inside. “Do we understand each other? Princess or not, I won’t have you make a fool out of me.”

Her fingers touched mine, forcing my hand from her arm. “Perfectly.”

“Good.” I peeked at Seraphina, who stared back, slowly blinking at us. She returned her gaze up at Sebastian as if he was everything. I hated him.

I knew that smell from anywhere. Lavender and vanilla. Closing my eyes for a moment, I let the scent drift into my nose, intoxicating me more than I thought possible.

Gwen glided past us, pausing by Penelope, looking at me with those fuck me eyes. “Congratulations on your engagement, Niall.” An amused smirk lifted from her painted lips. “It must kill you to be made to do this against your will.”

Penelope’s eyebrows shot up her small forehead as she placed a hand on her hip. “Excuse me?”

“Forgive me if I’m wrong. I just never took Niall as the marrying type.” She touched her clavicle, then pulled her blonde waves over one shoulder.

I stared at her neck, wondering how it would feel to trace kisses down the side. “You should know no one can make me do anything I don’t want to,” I snapped, noticing Astor was no longer with her.

She smirked. “Then I must have been really special.”

Don’t react. It’s what she wants.

For once, I was glad for Penelope as she stepped up to Gwen. “We’re dancing. You need to go. That’s an order.”

Gwen let out a hiss between her pearly whites. “Bitch, princess or not, I will never obey an order fromyou.” She tapped her long nails against her waist. Fuck the way she spoke only made me want her more.

She’s a nobody, a liar and a whore. Stop thinking about her.Yet, I couldn’t move my eyes from hers. She wetted her lips with her tongue and moved a pace away from Penelope.

“Go away,” I ordered with a sharp inhale.

“I’m leaving anyway,” she said with a glint of mischief in those glacier eyes. “I’m going to take a long, hot soak in the tub. Me and Astor are in a fight, so I’ll be alone tonight. Honestly, I’ve been dying to have some me time.” She gave me a wink and turned her back to us.