Her heartbeat picked up pace. “You know he will.” She glanced up at him, a tear rolling down her cheek. “He always does.” She stood, hands on her waist. “I’m not going through that again, thinking you were all going to die. We should leave, go back to the city.”

I chose my words carefully, not wanting to set her off. “Anna, I am a prince now. I can’t just leave, and Erianna—she doesn’t have her wings, and life will only be harder back in the city.”

She stood, gazing down at Zach. “Then we go. Please, my love.”

He hesitated on the edge of words, his expression filling with more compassion than I’d ever seen. Confliction darted his eyes from her to us, then back again.

I found my voice, my chest aching. “You should go with her.”

He rubbed his hand on his knees, over and over. “I promised to protect you all. You’re my family.”

Anna sniffed, then wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeve, pressing tears into the fabric. “I’m also your family.”

“My love, please understand—”

“No.” She headed to the door, slamming it behind her. He shook his head, running out after her.

After a few seconds, Erianna let out a heavy sigh, rolling her shoulders forward. “He’ll end up going with her.”

“It’s for the best.”

“I know.”

She swallowed thickly; the sound of saliva forced down her throat slammed into my ears. I purposely looked away as her tears formed, and she blinked them away. She hiccupped a sob, then sat up straight. “I’m fine.”

Wrapping my arm around hers, I pulled her into a side hug. She rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. “If you’re not, that’s okay, too.”

She half-smiled through the pain, and I rubbed her forearm. “You know I don’t cry,” she said as a tear trickled onto her nose.

I nodded, feeling her wingless back. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

She gave a short laugh under her breath, then sighed, falling silent. The clock ticking reminded me of how little time had passed since our arrival, yet so much had happened. I was wishing away the days, to when things might get easier.

After listening to seventy more ticks and tocks, Erianna unraveled herself from me, and wiped her nose. “Go to Olivia. She might be awake and needs you more than I do.”

“I will, but please know that while she may be my wife,” I said, the word sounding strange in my mouth, “you are my family, too. I willalwaysbe here for you. No matter what.”



Nestling into the fluffy pillows, I turned onto my stomach, burying my head into a tear-stained blanket. Three days had passed since Draven died. I glared at every sunset and sunrise since, furious at the world continuing as if the worst thing hadn’t just happened.

My stomach rumbled, aching a hole under my rib cage. But I couldn’t bring myself to eat a thing. It was like grieving Astor all over again, only more painful. Sometimes darkness leaked through the sheet of shock keeping me going, and I wanted to unleash my powers onto the castle. Daydreams of turning Kalon into ash, and crumbling Gwen, Velda and everyone else I hated stole me further from my morality.

In between the endless nights and frequent wakings, Sebastian held me. I let him in, despite what Gwen told me, and the unrequited feelings. He brought me comfort, and I couldn’t push that away. Not when I needed it the most. All the fights and worries I had before suddenly seemed so minute in the overwhelmingness of Draven’s death.

Sebastian had gone to see my father and the King of Asland, Ibrahim. He took over both our duties, excusing my absence to sickness. Except, we all knew physically I couldn’t be.

My mom had come knocking twice now, but I refused to unlock the door. The only reason I even listened to my father and met with the King of Asland was because he threatened to execute Erianna for plunging her dagger on Kalon if I didn’t. I still don’t know how I made it through that meeting without tearing Kalon’s frigid heart from his chest.

Naturally, he claimed killing Draven was in self-defense. As if Draven would try to poison Kalon knowing he was a vampire. It was the most ridiculous excuse I’d ever heard. Still, Sargon believed it without hesitation and didn’t even hear a word I said. Which I did understand. I had threatened his life and his place on the throne.

Tap tap tap.

I lifted the cover from over my head, glaring at the thick, wood door as the handle rattled. Sebastian had the only key, so it couldn’t be him, and I was far too comfortable to move from the bed. I didn’t want to see anyone anyway.

Azia’s low voice resonated through the cracks in the door. “Your Highness, may I speak with you?”