“D-Draven,” she stumbled, “he, um, he wasn’t going to leave. He wanted to know if I love you.”

Do you?I wanted to ask, but my question remained strangled in my throat.Say something.The silence was suffocating.

She choked out a sob. “I told him I love you.”

My heart leaped. Her guided gaze met mine, her lips gently parting. I didn’t move a muscle; I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t do those three words—never had—but as I stood there, I’d never felt trust like that, despite everything we had lied to each other about. It was like Iknewher. As my soulmate, I supposed I did.

She loves me?

“Sebastian?” Her throat bobbed, her fingers curling around my hand before pulling away. “Well?”

I stood stunned, listening to the clock's second hand ticking down.

After a minute, she sighed. “I just told him that,” she finally admitted. “So he would let me go. I need him to leave the castle. He’s in danger here.”

She pushed the door open, and I tucked my wings behind my back, swallowing the truth that slid like lead into my stomach. She didn’t love me. Of course, she didn’t. Perhaps we weren’t soulmates, and I’d mixed something up. Even Zach was wrong at times. I held my breath as I followed her into our bedroom, an attempt to suffocate the pang of pain slicing through me.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I stood by the windows. “Good,” I finally said, but it wasn’t. “Now Draven can let you go.”

The sky grumbled, gathering ink blot clouds over the trees and mountains, shrouding the sun. Rain beat against the glass, pounding through the awkward quiet. The last of the orange rays kissed the horizon, disappearing completely behind a darkness prevailing in a fog of matte black.

Heaving out a breath, I moved my eyes back to Olivia. She was just as beautiful in death as she was in life. Her emerald gaze burned into me, her arms splaying out to her sides as she sat on the bed, knocking one of the tiny cushions onto the floor. I almost smiled. “Love?”

“Don’t call me that!” she snapped, sending an icy chill washing through me. Her stare seared into mine, her face twisting into a scowl. “Stop calling me ‘love’ all the time.”

Hesitating in my response, I tipped my head to the side. What happened to our touches just moments ago? She’d never hated me calling her that before. Clearly, I was mistaken.

Tears glossed her eyes. She lifted her chin, clenching her jaw before a single one could fall. “Just stop.”

“Okay.” I took a careful step closer. “You seem upset.”

“Nice observation skills, genius.”

I jolted an inch, halting mid walk. “Did I do something wrong?”

Throwing her hands up, she stood from the bed. “No. You did nothing wrong.”

“Lo—Olivia.” I stopped myself. “What’s bothering you?”

“Suddenly, you care?” Her fists balled. “Just… it’s nothing.”

“You’ve always been terrible at hiding your emotions.”

She clenched her jaw, and a tear trickled down her cheek. “You know, apparently we’re soulmates.”

“I heard the same. It’s crazy, right?”

She gave me an incredulous look, her glare knife-like. “Yes, it is because there is no way we are!” She stormed out before I could say anything, then slammed the door behind her.

What the fuck just happened?

Several minutes later, Erianna came flying through the door, speeding up to me until we were mere inches apart. “Olivia’s crying. She’s gone downstairs.”

I put my hands in the air, taking a step back. “Yeah. She just lost her shit out of nowhere. Probably the heightened emotions. I know she’s not a vampire, but there must be similarities in becoming immortal.”

Erianna rolled her eyes. “Seriously? Gods, men can be so fucking oblivious sometimes.”

“What is with all the hate today?” I pressed my back against the wall.