“Adrian,” I warned.

He sat back down, drinking straight from the bottle before wiping his lips. “I’m only saying for your own good. Gwendolyn is a seductress; she’ll lure you in again. I know you’re strong, and I’d trust you with anyone else, but I don’t want to see you hurt again. She broke everything you built. Don’t forget that.”

I leaned back into the cushions. “I don’t want to be around her anyway. My desires have shifted.”

He arched a brow. “Do tell.”

“Seraphina is the rightful blood heir to the throne. With Sargon gone, it would go to her.”

“If Kalon lets her live that long.”

I shrugged. “I know his movements. I’ll thwart his plans from within.”

“And why would you do that?” he asked with a tilt of his head.

“Because I plan on making her my bride.”

He laughed, choking on a swig of scotch. “You’re kidding, right? She’s married.”

“Yes, but Sebastian is disposable. Once dead, I’ll let her grieve. Divorce may not be allowed in Sanmorte, but youcanremarry if your spouse dies.”

“You intend to widow her.” He raised his pale brows. “I assume you have thought of a way to do this.”

“Yes, but…” I ran my hand through my hair, pulling the strands over to one side of my neck. “He’s her soulmate.”

“Oh, damn. How do you know?” He kicked away a shard of glass.

“I’ve met several couples who are. They acted just the same. I could sense the connection between them. You know how it is. Soulmates usually realize after they become immortal and as soon as she awoke, she looked at him differently than before.”

“Well then, it seems we have our work cut out.”


“You wouldn’t be telling me all this if you didn’t want my help. I know you, Niall. Besides, having a prince as my ally wouldn’t be the worst thing.”

A grin spread over my face. “I think it’s time to bring back the Blood Brothers Club.”

“Just in time for the King of Asland to come.”

I poured a glass, then lifted it. He clinked the bottle against it, and we both drank. “To new allies.”

“And old enemies.”



“You seem troubled, love,” I said as I placed her in front of our bedroom door.

Her red eyebrows pinched together, her doe-like gaze refusing to meet mine. “Did you hear what I said outside, when you and, uh, Zach landed?”

Of course, I did. I’d thought of nothing since.

Breathing in her warm vanilla scent, I closed the distance between us, then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Her next breath caught in her throat as my fingers touched her skin, and she closed her eyes. My stomach dropped, the chaos in my soul silenced by those three words. Words I wanted to hear again. “Yes.”

“You didn’t say anything before.”

I exhaled gently, my breath hitting her forehead. “Everyone was there, love. You were upset, and I wanted us to be alone.” I swept my lips closer, losing myself in her smell, her breaths, her sound of her quickening heart. I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, a soft growl erupting up my torso. “Did you mean it?”