
I glided my tongue over the last of Alana’s blood, then slumped her against the sofa as she finally lost consciousness. Adrian dropped the Aslandian girl Sebastian had fed on before on the ornate rug. Her tanned skin appeared paler under the dappled blue light seeping into the large living quarters. He pulled out a crimson stained silk handkerchief, and dabbed the corners of his mouth, careful not to get a drop of blood on his white shirt. He threw his blazer on the back of a chair, then rolled up his sleeves.

“Now we’ve eaten, do you want a drink?” He gestured to the mirrored tray of whiskey and scotch on the wooden bar.


He stood, and walked to the stools, reaching up to grab two glasses hanging above the wood countertop. He brought them, and the bottle of dark brown liquid with him, placing them on the table between us. “Tell me everything I’ve missed.”

“Ah, a hundred and seventy years old.” I waved the bottle, smirking. “This scotch is almost as ancient as your ass.”

He pressed his shoe against the side of her head, tilting the Aslandian girl’s face upward. “Do you think they realize how unfortunate they are? They always act as if they’re better than us, and yet, this one must be in her mid-twenties and she’s already a blood bitch.”

“That’s why they come here, friend,” I replied as he removed the underside of his shoe from her cheek. “Trying to obtain immortality.”

He scoffed and poured himself a drink. “Idiots.” He kicked his legs up on the table, crossing them. “Tell me more about our princess.”

“Seraphina.” Her name felt like butter on my tongue. “She’s a true immortal. Not a vampire.”

He leaned forward slowly, moving his feet back to the ground. “You’re certain? How is that possible?”

“I wasn’t sure at first what she was, but it’s the only thing that makes sense. It happened when she passed over and saw the gods. There are whispers, too, all around the castle, that Sargon is jealous of his daughter. A servant saw them fighting in the courtyard.”

He shook his head. “And she married Vangard?”

My smirk fell into a frown. I fucking hated that name. “Like I said, he’ll be gone soon.”

“I’m telling you, I won’t bow to that idiot. There are not enough gods in the heavens to make me.”

“Patience, friend. Good things come to those who wait.”

His shoulders relaxed, and he poured himself a second drink. We’d hated Sebastian since he snubbed us in front of the entire court a couple of years ago, tearing our invitation with a smirk on his face. The desire to be in the club slowly waned after that, as he ruined our reputation. But, then, all it took was for Gwen to come along and break down any respect anyone had left for us. That was another thing. “Gwendolyn is here.”

The glass shattered in his hand, sending ringing through my skull. Blinking slowly, I glanced at the shards of glass covering the girl’s hair and part of the rug, pointing up with trickles of vampire blood in the fibers. “Her.”

“She’s with her mom, and she has Kalon’s protection,” I reminded him as he jumped to his feet.

“I want her dead.”

“So do I.”

He brushed specks of glass from his shirt and growled under his breath. “You don’t have the stomach to kill her. She had you wrapped around her finger last time, so don’t mind me if I don’t believe you.”

“A year has passed.”

“A year is nothing when you love someone.”

Heat rose through my stomach and chest, burning adrenaline into my arms. “Don’t mistake infatuation for love. I do not and never did love her. She hurt me just as much as she broke you.”

“She took everything from me! My reputation, my business, my wealth, because you let her close enough.”

“I thought we solved our issues before I left?”

He shrugged. “I don’t hold it against you.” He let out a breathy sigh. “You slipped up. Women will do that to you. I’ve been in love once. I know how much it can cloud a powerful man’s head. Even ones like us.” He looked over at the window, lost in a memory of someone who no longer existed. Rain pattered against the window, thunder shaking the pane as the sky grew darker. Obsidian clouds blotted the horizon, flashing purple streaks across the heavens. “What’s your plan?”

“Regarding Gwen?”

“No.” He faced me, caution lacing his stare. “Stay away from her. I’ll deal with her in time, but I want you nowhere near the whore.”