“You will take her word over mine, over Sebastian’s, who you once favored?”

His jaw clenched, and he paced around the room, thankfully at a normal speed. “It is true. I once cared for the boy. He is only three years into being a vampire, and even in his first year, he was smarter than the others. I saw a kindred spirit in him, and even trusted Sebastian. He was never afraid to approach me, and truthfully, he made me laugh. I enjoyed his company, which is why I made him Master of Travel.” He inhaled sharply. “That is until he plotted against me, killing Penelope.”

“Like I said before, he didn’t kill her. His only crime was hiding who I was, and that was because I asked him to.”

“You forced my hand when you chose him for your husband,” he spat. “I cannot execute the man who is to be married to my own blood.” He stopped pacing and faced me. “You may think me heartless, but you all committed treason. As soon as I learned who you were, I took you out from the dungeons even though you concealed your identity from me—which I will never understand. Not once did I try to punish you for your part in the plot against the crown. Then I only took the wings of your friends. I could have taken their lives, gods know the court wanted me to, but I showed mercy. All of it was for you.”

Some of what he said tugged at me. I looked into his eyes and recognized the love he was trying to show. I just couldn’t move past the image of Erianna wingless, knowing he gave the orders to carry out such a harsh punishment. Even if he felt like he had no choice. Then there was Hamza, who would probably walk the castle as a free man if it wasn't for Sebastian.

“What do you need me to do?” I asked, mostly to get him out of my room.

“Obey my orders, try to fit in here, and help me clean up the mess you all created,” he stated. “My hope is when you meet the gods and return to us, you will change your perception of us. We are not all as bad as you believe us to be. With immortality comes power, and you won’t have to be afraid of anyone or anything again.”

The memory of what Hamza tried to do hung between us, but neither of us spoke about it. “I will,” I said and shivered against the cold. “I should get ready. Although I see little point in wearing such a nice dress when I am to get blood all over it from the dagger.”

He hesitated on the edge of words, but quickly regained his composure, standing tall. “It’s a transition.” He pointed at the veil. “Make sure you wear that—it’s a tribute to gods—and don’t be late,” he added and sped out, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Holding my next breath, I paced in a circle, unable to settle my emotions. I was expected to dress up and play some puppet role in his court. I could tell he loved me, but it was the dangerous, toxic kind, like he had for my mom. He’d forced her into her role and took her magic from her. He didn’t even see me as my own person. Just the heir to the throne, and a daughter he can use to charm foreign kings. Not once did he ask how I was feeling.

Begrudgingly, I pulled on the thin, lace dress. The fabric itched my arms and stretched tight around my bosom. I dried my hair, not bothering to style it as I grabbed the black veil from the back of the closet.

A knock sounded, and I jumped. “Yes,” I called, and Erianna stepped inside. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful my father hadn’t returned with another lecture.

“How are you doing?”

Tears swelled unexpectedly in my eyes.

She rushed to me, wrapping her arms around my shaking body as the reality of my impending death overcame me. I didn’t want to die. The thought of that and meeting all the gods tightened my chest. I touched her wingless back, and a pang of grief shot through me. It took me a moment to realize the emotion was not mine.

I rested my head against her shoulder. “I should be the one comforting you,” I said, my heart aching at the thought of the stares she must get when she was seen, of how her pride and integrity were ripped away from her. “That’s the only good coming from this—knowing I can save you and Sebastian. When I return, I can pardon you. Sebastian will officially be prince and therefore, safe.”

She held me at arm’s length, her frown tightening. “Do not worry about me. I am okay,” she lied, because I could feel her pain. “I have come to warn you. The servants overheard Kalon and Velda discussing a plan. They’re going to ensure you don’t come back from the dead.”

A wave of numbness ran the length of my body. I blinked twice, goosebumps covering my neck. “How. What—they can’t do that.”

“There is a way.” She looked down at her feet, a sigh loosing from her lips. “In the forest, there is an herb. When ground and infused with magic from a sorcerer, it can block the spirit's ability to renter the body.”

“Surely, Azia didn’t help with this. He is the king’s sorcerer?” I asked, remembering the bald man whose magic buzzed with electricity when he kissed my hand at the ball.

She raised an eyebrow. “You don’t think they have their own sorcerers? They have an entire network of people under the king’s nose. Olivia, you must eat and drink absolutely nothing they give you. Unless they have some other way of getting it into your system.”

My throat felt like it was closing. I grasped at my neck. “What do I do?”

“I spoke to Draven. He agrees. You must get out of here. Even if they fail in killing you now, Kalon will not stop until you are dead.”

The thought of running out of the castle flashed across my mind, followed swiftly by the image of Erianna, Sebastian, Zach, and Draven’s decapitated heads. “I cannot.” My eyes widened. “Sargon will kill you all, including Draven.”

“Don’t worry about us. I can find a way for you and Draven to get out safely.”

My fingers were icy cold as the clock eased into ten o'clock. It was almost time. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I will fight.” She inched toward her dagger, and I froze. I believed it, and maybe they’d even take a few out, but they wouldn’t win. Not against an entire castle of vampires. She had to know that.

“I won’t let you die for me.”

“It’s not just for you.” She let out a long breath, the smell of clove smoke thick in her hair. It was probably from the vampires in the ballroom, who lazed around puffing on their cigarettes brought back from others who’d got them on their travels. “If you go ahead, even if you eat and drink nothing, they will try to get the mixture into your body somehow. Then, when you do not come back, we are all as good as dead anyway. This way, we can save two lives.” She paused. “Actually, three. Anna will go with you. Zach and I will cause a diversion. Sebastian will get you all out, then fight any that goes after you. He doesn’t know yet—about any of this. We need to find him, but I know he will agree.”

“This is insane.” I stepped away from her.