Niall appeared next to us as I withdrew my fangs from her neck. I wiped the blood on the back of my hand.

“What do you want?”

“Where’s the little redhead of yours?”

“Stay away from her,” I snarled, my heart racing at the idea of his fangs on her neck.

He put his hands up in surrender. “Don’t get touchy.” His brown waves bobbed around his shoulders as he moved closer and whispered. “I’m not going to hurt her.”

“Where’s your dad?” I asked, wanting to shift the topic away from Olivia. “I’m surprised to see your head so far away from his ass.”

He laughed, a twinkle glimmering in his dark eyes. “You know, Sebastian, even as a prince, you still need to be careful how you talk to me.”

“What the fuck are you going to do?” I laughed. “I have Sargon’s favor.”

He sped to me, closing the distance between us until I could feel his breath against my face. “And I have the favor of the one truly in power. We both know it. Sargon’s nothing but a fucking figurehead.”

I didn’t step back; I wasn’t going to give this asshole the satisfaction. “Such traitorous words. They can get you in trouble.”

He shrugged, his fingers curling into fists. “You always pushed your luck. Go ahead, tell Sargon what I said. I’m not afraid of him or anyone in this castle.” He tilted his head, his brown curls dangling just below his shoulder as a glimmer of red flashed in his gaze. “Who’s the brunette?”

My shoulders tensed. “She’s no one.”

“She’s new.” He licked his lips, pushing past and knocking against my shoulder. “Did she taste good?”

“Not really.” I tried sounding bored. “Why don’t you go terrorize someone else?”

I hated that he’d returned from wherever he’d taken a hiatus to. Every ounce of my being wanted to rip out his heart before he could do any damage, but I knew better. Niall had support through the City of Nightmares and within the castle. Kalon adored him as if he was his own blood, even adopting him officially as his son. I also knew better than to back down from Niall. There was nothing he hated more than weakness, and I’d seen him exploit people’s vulnerabilities in the cruelest ways over the past few years. My gaze trailed over the dark-haired mortal, but I didn’t linger. If he saw a glimmer of care, he’d snap her neck just to aggravate me.

“You know, Sebastian, I’ve missed this.” He turned on his heel, an unnerving smirk on his lips.

My nostrils flared. “That makes one of us.”

“I had no one to torture in my time away in the cities. They’re all so—” He waved his hand lackadaisically. “—boring. You always gave as good as you got. Others, they submit so easily. So did Erianna. Where is she, anyway?”

“Not here.” I walked away, gritting my teeth.

“Give her my regards,” he called after me. “And Zach’s. I’m sure I’ll see them soon and your bride-to-be.”

I was glad he couldn’t see the muscle tick in my jaw. Pressing my lips together, I told myself repeatedly that turning back and punching him would only give him precisely what he wanted. At least before this, I could have a break from this place and head to the city. Now I was stuck in this castle for good.

I looked around my new home as I strode into the throne room. A vampire hurried past me, carrying an enormous bouquet to fill some space still left on the wall. I spotted the goblets where Olivia and I would drink each other’s blood during the ritual on the altar. Midnight was fast approaching. The wedding would be performed shortly after the clock struck twelve tonight. Such little time left.

Albert, the only aniccipere with social standing in the castle, bowed his thin torso as I passed through the double doors and out into the foyer to find Erianna and Zach.



Niall ran his fingers through his brown strands, rolling back his broad shoulders as he approached me under the pale light of afternoon pouring through the windows. “You are dazzling.” He smiled, showing his pearly white, perfectly straight teeth. The perks of being immortal. Eternal beauty, and indeed every vampire here, were the definition of perfection.

“What do you want?” I failed to keep the disgust out of my tone.

He reached over, grazing a finger over my cheek. “I’m here for the same reason you are. The war bells were rung. We might have a war on our hands. I hope it’s with Asland. They have the most delicious people.”

I jerked away from his touch, pinching my lips together as I waited with him outside the king’s office. “You’re revolting.”

He leaned down, whispering in my ear, “Everything I do, everything I am, is no different from your precious soon-to-be husband.”