“Seb.” Erianna stepped into view. Her brown eyes surveyed the scene. “You were supposed to make it look like a suicide. Remove the heart only.”

“I got carried away,” I said, standing slowly. “Where’s Zach?”

“With the guards. They gave you an hour, but they’ll hand us over once they see this mess. The king will kill them otherwise.”

“Then kill them.”

She gave me a look, concern etched in her strong features. “You don’t mean that.”

“If they won’t stand with us against scum like this—” I pointed at what remained of Hamza. “—then they deserve the same fate. It is better if there are no witnesses, anyway.”

“Seb.” Her face crumpled.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Then don’t give me a reason to,” she said, her eyes swimming, reflecting the bloodied scene. “I won’t kill the guards. They’re innocent.”

“No one is innocent. We're all dead if anyone finds out we were responsible for this. I won’t risk any of your lives again. Not like last time. My family comes before anything.”

“We made our own choices. Besides, we know the secrets they keep, thanks to Anna. It was enough for them to let you come down here.”

I placed my hand over my chest, my heart thumping harder than ever. “No.” My voice came out rougher than I expected, a growl lacing my tone. Rage bubbled deep inside of me, climbing into my chest like its own monster. “You are wingless because of me. Because of Olivia, too. I let my guard down.”

“It’s not her fault. Or yours.”

I turned my back to her, pulled out a pocket handkerchief, and wiped the blood from my hands. “Those guards are too close to the king, even with their secrets,” I decided. “If you won’t do it, then I will.” I stormed out of the cell, passing her the dagger. Voices carried from up the corridor to the locked door leading out of the dungeons. I recognized one belonging to Zach.

“Seb, I beg you,” she called after me. “Don’t do this. We had a deal with them. I can clean up the blood. We can still make this look like he ripped his own heart out. It happens all the time.”

“And his head?” I shifted on my heel, halting us both to a stop. “How will you explain to the king how he took off his own head?”

She swallowed thickly, her lips parting, then closing again. I couldn’t let the disappointment in her expression pull me down. Strengthening my resolve, I stood straight, flexing my fingers at my side. “Are we all done?” Zach asked as he walked to us with two other sets of footsteps. He wouldn’t have brought Anna down here. Not when things were so unpredictable.

“Zach, he’s going to—” Erianna shouted, but I’d turned already, both guard’s faces unreadable as I plunged my fingers into their chest cavities, tearing apart their rib cages and muscle until I severed their beating hearts from their bodies. Blood seeped through my fingers, dripping down my arms and soaking my sleeves. The men crumpled and folded to the ground, and their hearts rolled, toppling from my still hands.

The shreds of mortality left in my heart dissipated as I looked at their bodies. Erianna splayed fingers over her mouth, muffling a gasp. Zach remained still, his thin lips tight as he watched me. The concern in his pale eyes was too much for me.

The monsters that had come for me and my family three years ago, filled with bloodlust, echoed in the scene in front of me.

Stepping back, I pulled out a handkerchief once more, wiping my hands of their blood. It was one thing to become the darkness I’d always hated in flesh, fangs, and bone, but to give in to their nature was another.

“It’s okay, Seb,” Erianna said softly, as if she were coaxing a deer from the wood.

I cocked a brow. I must have looked dreadful if she was using her kind voice. A lump formed in my throat. “I’m fine, Erianna. It is done.” I stepped over the guards, heading toward the exit, needing a breath of fresh air.

I’d gone further than I ever had, but some lines had to be crossed and if I had to play the villain to protect the people I loved, then so be it. It was true. I could have let them go. We had things to blackmail them with, but there was always a chance they’d fold. I couldn’t risk it, especially when my family was involved.

Memories of first seeing the scars on Erianna’s back flashed unwantedly into my mind, along with the screams of my family as they were ripped apart by Velda. I decided then that I would never let anyone hurt my loved ones again. No matter who I had to kill, deceive or torture to prevent it. Even if the people I cared for hated me for it.



The pale light of the afternoon danced through my father’s crimson waves hanging around a crown of gold. His green eyes observed me as I sat, shivering against my wet locks slicked around my shoulders.

They’d barely said a word since I left the bathroom. Sargon paced in a circle, his fingers flexing as he outstretched his fist. Guard after guard entered the room and muttered something to the king. Then, they quickly left, their eyes trailing over me just for a second, fear in their gaze. I wasn’t sure who they were more scared of. Me or him?

My mom sat next to me, the mattress dipping down, pulling me closer to her. She smelled like lavender, a scent I’d grown fond of over the years. I was glad some things didn’t change.