Sebastian sped to me, standing in front of me, arms crossed in case she tried to make good on her threat, but she didn’t. Just as I expected, she left, with a dangerous glint in her eye that told me this wasn’t over.
Gwen followed, and they met with Astor, whose smile dropped on seeing me. I turned away from him and to Sebastian. “That felt good.”
He grinned, his dimple deepening. “That was pretty badass. I’ve never seen anyone stand up to her like that.”
“I’m sure I’ll pay for it later.”
“Not if I have anything to do with it.”
“So you’re not still mad at me?” I questioned. “I really had no plans on leaving.”
“No.” He peered over my shoulder. “Sargon is watching.”
We walked out in the line of view of the throne, and Sargon lifted a glass in our direction. Sebastian shot him a charming smile, then leaned down in what looked like to kiss my cheek, but instead, he whispered, “Let’s have some fun.”
“Like what?”
He pulled me over to the tents, sitting us both on the benches next to them. Sargon glanced over, then back to Hamza, who only occasionally gave us a venomous glare. He hated seeing me with Sebastian, and when I turned, I saw Velda and Gwen looking in our direction too. “They all think they own us,” I said, shaking my head.
His fingers brushed the inside of my arm, dancing down to my wrist. “Then we will show them they don’t.”
I caught myself enjoying the jealousy in Velda’s eyes as Sebastian flickered touches down to my hand, and even Gwen looked annoyed. Astor's expression hardened, and I smiled toothily, leaning back against Sebastian’s taut chest, placing myself on his lap.
“I think they’re angry.”
He brushed a kiss against my neck, trailing kisses to my clavicle. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“You wanted me to put on a show,” I said, my next breath catching as he whispered against my skin.
“How do you feel?”
“Powerful,” I admitted, my face flooding with heat.
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He moved back the fabric of my skirt, running his hand along the inside of my leg, lightly touching the inside of my thigh. Wetness gathered between my legs, and I felt his length harden under his pants. My heart palpitated, and the champagne lifted me to new highs as his fingers inched a breath higher.
Astor’s jaw slacked, and Velda’s glass cracked in her hand as I pressed myself against him, enjoying the feel of his hard length twitch against the curves of my buttocks.
Hamza peered over, and I turned to face Sebastian, giving in to the feeling of being watched and maybe even liking it. “You’re enjoying this,” I said, bringing my lips closer to his. “Don’t you care that they’re watching?”
He pressed his hands over my thighs, and I rocked my hips against him. “I want them to know you’re mine.”
“Even if I’m not?”
“Yes.” He tangled one hand in my hair, bringing my lips crashing against his in a knot of lust. Desire built through me, tingling down from my stomach to my legs, until all I wanted was for him to take me on the table. I wrapped my legs around his waist, hooking him closer.
This was so unlike me, and so far, it was just kisses and touches, nothing too far, but as our kiss deepened, he twisted me from view, running a finger under my skirt and over the line of my panties.
I could feel the wet slicking through, and I rubbed myself against his fingers as he pulled back, his intrusive gaze bleeding into mine. I should have told him to stop, but every fiber of my being wanted him to continue, to take me against the wall and fuck me until I couldn’t remember why I was hurting or what I was fighting for.
He slipped a finger under my panties, groaning as he touched my desire, silking it between his fingers. My nipples hardened under my dress as he pushed down, leading featherlight touches, then paused.
I moaned, and he pulled my face into his neck, noticing he’d blocked me from their view. “When I take you,” he said slowly, restraint tight in his features, “it’ll be somewhere I can really enjoy you.”
My legs weakened, and I rocked up against his touch. He pulled back, pressing his fingers to his lips. “You don’t want this here,” he said, and I spotted my mom over his shoulder. Fortunately, she hadn’t seen me yet.
My cheeks pinkened and the desire slowly dissolved. “Oh, gods.”
“No, love, just a vampire,” he said with a smirk, but his eyes undressed me where I stood. It took everything for me to fold the dress back over myself and let him move away. “I have to find Draven. As much as I want to finish this, I know you wouldn’t forgive me if I let him die.”