He took my hand and placed a gentle kiss against my ring. “Olivia.” My name sounded like chocolate on his lips. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. His Majesty has spoken fondly of you.”

It wasn’t him I recognized, but his magic. I’d only felt the slight buzz of electricity around my mom before, of our magic speaking to one another. But then, I’d never met another sorcerer except for her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

“Congratulations on your engagement.” His gaze moved from my ring to Sebastian. “I wish you both happiness.”

I smiled, unable to resist his charms. “Thank you so much.”

“Excuse me. Our king beckons.” He gave us both a wink. “I’m sure we will see each other again very soon.”

Once he was gone, I looked at Sebastian. “What a smooth talker.”

“Yeah.” He grinned. “Everyone likes Azia. He’ll be a great asset to you.” He didn’t explain further, but I knew what he meant. When I was queen, Azia could be my sorcerer. Then, of course, I’d need one because I wouldn’t be able to perform magic anymore. I’d lose the powers I just found, and that thought stole a piece of my heart. “We should dance,” Sebastian said when I did a double take, looking at the door. Astor’s eyes darted around the room as he searched for something or someone.

“What’s Astor doing here?”

Sebastian frowned. “Maybe he realized what he lost.” His hand inched down my back, pausing over the bottom of my spine in the gentlest touch. “I will find out. If he’s here, then it’s more than likely Gwen is, and potentially Velda.”

“Wait.” I tugged at his sleeve when he tried to turn, whispering gently. “If Kalon already knows, then surely Velda does. So she won’t be a threat to me while we’re in public.”

He brought his lips close to my earlobe, sending a tingle of breath down the side of my neck as he whispered, “I’m not worried about her telling. Kalon will keep her in line. I just don’t want her trying anything else.”

“Like killing me.”

“She would take immense pleasure in it, I’m sure.” The veins in his hands bulged as he tensed. “Jealousy always was her weakest point.”

“Why would she be jealous of me?” I asked.

He hesitated but hurried away before I could ask any further questions. Erianna walked to my side once he was out of sight, pulling Astor from the room. “Velda sees Seb as her…property,” she answered in his place. “When she turned him, she controlled him until he broke free. Her daughter always had a silly crush on him, but for Velda, it had little to do with romance or actual feelings, if she could be capable of such things.” She looked out over the room. “She likes to own things and people. If she even knows the difference between the two,” she added, her lips twisting. “I believe Velda accepted, somewhat, that Seb would always be a free spirit, so it didn’t hurt her, but now he’s engaged to you, she might view it as you’re trying to take what’s hers.”

“Is it possible to hate someone you’ve never met?” I arched a brow, thinking about the woman who’d destroyed his life. “Even if this was….” I mouthed the word “real.”

“Regardless, she’ll hate you for many reasons. One of them includes Kalon. So be careful around her if she is here.”

Great. Another person to watch. “I’ll have to find a spell to place eyes on the back of my head soon.”

“Can you do that?”

I laughed. “No, but that would be terrifying.”

Sebastian returned after my second glass of champagne. My mind fuzzed, and I looked around for my mom. She wasn’t here. I clasped my hands together, grabbing another drink from a passing man. “Save some for the rest of us,” Sebastian joked, placing the champagne on an empty tray nearby. “Astor’s here because Kalon sent for Velda.” Worry lined his sharp features, and his voice was hushed. “Act calm when you see them. She’s going to try to make you scared. They won’t try anything in front of Sargon.”

The king drank from his throne, a jovial smile spreading across his face. “I’ll stay calm.” I was immediately drawn to the entryway when she entered. Gwen sauntered at her side, both mirror images of each other with their blonde hair and symmetrical, strong features. Velda looked straight at us, her nostrils flaring as she looked me up and down. She bared her teeth in a forced smile, showing off her long, sharpened fangs. A thinly veiled threat, but it was enough to make me want to tear her throat out. She was the one, after all, who’d come after me and my mom and utterly destroyed Sebastian’s life.

I wanted her dead.

“Love.” Sebastian touched my shoulder. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m angry. She thinks she owns you,” I said simply, hoping that by some miracle she could hear me over the rising chatter and music. “Erianna told me.”

“She has no power over me,” he assured. “Zach is here. Good.” He nodded in the direction of his friend, who wore his silvery hair in a long braid. Anna stood at his side, her eyes landing on me. Her smile was as gentle as ever, and I couldn’t help but feel nervous for her in this room of bloodsuckers, even though I was just in as much danger here.

Astor saw me and took a step forward, but Gwen put an arm out, stopping him in his tracks. “Oh gods,” I gasped, whispering to Sebastian. “If my mom sees Astor here, she’ll kill him.”

He looked around. “I don’t see her.”

I swallowed thickly. “Yet.” I had to wonder if she was with Draven, finalizing the details of a plan I wouldn’t be partaking in. Thinking about escaping now felt wrong, leaving her to clean up everything. It would be admitting her life meant nothing.

Velda snarled when I looked at her. Sebastian stepped between our glaring exchange, stealing my attention. “Kalon is looking. So is the king. Don’t think about Velda or Astor.”