How to answer without lying? “It’s interesting.”

“Yes. It can be. Coming here alone and being in a den must have been hard. If I’d known you were there, I would have had you brought to the castle immediately and have you serve as a part of my council. But, alas, Sebastian got to you first.”

I didn’t like his tone. “I’m not anyone’s property.”

An uneasy laugh trickled from his parted lips. “No, you most certainly are not. Anyone in my council is free to do as they please, as long as they take care of minor tasks for me occasionally.”

“It would have been an honor.” I paused, peering around him for Sebastian.

Cold pricked in my veins when I spotted him on the back table, drinking from a mortal woman in her late twenties along with another male vampire. They feasted on either side of her neck, allowing blood to soak into the top of her dress.

Sargon whipped his head around, then looked back at me, a cruel smile playing on his Cupid’s bow lips, which were far too close to my own. “I do like Sebastian. He’s an ambitious man with great tastes. He would often stay here until the early hours drinking from mortals and getting drunk on our best whiskey and champagne. Most of it is brought in from Baldoria, actually.”

Nausea overwhelmed me. “I’m sorry, I feel a little sick.”

There was no pause in his movements as he twirled me around. “This is your world now. I know he’s caught your eye, and I would never dream of taking what is his, but know this: you have a choice. He can’t offer you a measure of safety unless he turns you into one of us. With me, I can ensure your safety. No man or woman in this castle would touch you without my consent. You can remain a sorceress, keep your magic, and have a life of luxury.” Lips grazing my ear, he murmured, “Do think about it, Olivia. You can marry him or not, but either way, you will be welcome to join my council here.” He stepped back, inclining his head.

I forced a smile and curtseyed. “I will consider it,” I said because any other reply felt dangerous.

“Speaking of sorceresses, my wife has arrived. Excuse me.”

I tilted my head. I had no idea he’d gotten remarried, although it made sense. No one should be alone for that long. Even if my mom insisted on it. I thought about Aiden and his flirtations with her. He was probably dead now.

His wife turned. Raven-black curls coiled down from a tight updo, bouncing as she moved.

“No!” I gasped. Her porcelain-like skin and bright eyes were too perfect. Even the scar over her lip was gone. “Mom.” The word shakily left my lips, echoing in my mind.

“Don’t react.” Sebastian was at my side, a whisper dancing into my ear as he pulled me away.

My mom looked over, spotting me. Her eyes widened.

“People are looking. Dance with me.” He pulled me to the side of the dance floor, holding me in his arms as I tried my best not to buckle under the crushing realization. “You’re okay.” He lifted me higher. “Put your weight on me.”

I swallowed thickly as he pulled me closer until there was no distance between us. “My mom.”

“She’s alive,” he said, although his darkening expression told me he wasn’t happy about it either. “That’s all that matters.”

He curled me around, and I thought about everything we had gone through. She taught me how to ride a bike, paint, learn my ABCs, and times tables. She waited in line in the store for four hours to get me the newborn doll I wanted for Christmas one year, and on my sixteenth birthday, she took me to a bookstore to meet my favorite author at a signing. There was no way she was gone. I needed her, but I could only see a monster when I looked at her.

“She’s not alive,” I exclaimed, a cry bubbling up my throat. “She’s a vampire.” I wiped a tear and panicked as more came thick and fast. My chest heaved, and Sebastian cradled my head against his chest, shielding my tears from the rest of the room.

“Not here, love.” He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear for the benefit of the king, I assumed. We had to appear in love, dancing, and they couldn’t see I was crying.

I sniffed, pulling back, and he pressed his cold fingers against my cheek. “What are you doing?”

“Cooling the redness,” he said stiffly, looking around. “Smile. Sargon is looking at us.”

I was giving us away. “Has he noticed?”

He smiled in their direction and leaned down, whispering a kiss against my cheek. “Think of anything else.”

“Like how you were sharing your drink with someone over there?” I made a face.

He twirled me, then caught me at dizzying speed. “I have to drink.”

“Not like that.”

“Sorry to have disappointed you,” he said with a smirk. “There’s enough chatter and music in this room. They can’t hear us.”