“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“My brother tells me you call yourself Olivia.”

I ran cold, realizing this was the man who’d sent an entire order after us. So he had to know the fake name of the king’s daughter, and here I was, using it, like an idiot. I think Sebastian had the same thought as he looked at Kalon, worry fleeting in his eyes. “Yes. I know it’s such a common name.” I laughed, then wondered if that was too obvious.

“It’s a beautiful name,” he said, half raising his goblet to his lips, “and not as common as one may think.” He took a sip of blood, licking any traces away before lowering his goblet. “Excuse me for prying, but I can feel your magic from here. It’s—” He inhaled deeply. “Intoxicating. Now, sorceresses, they are uncommon.”

My heart palpitated, and to distract myself, I spun my ring around my finger over and over, glad to see he couldn’t see it under the table. “Not as uncommon as one may think,” I repeated his words back to him, but they meant nothing because they weren’t true.

Sebastian sat upright, sipping from his cup.

Sargon spoke this time, his voice slicing through the air. “Food.” He stood as a platter was brought inside. As I assumed it was customary, I stood with him and was correct. Kalon seemed bothered by the small gesture, and I pondered how much he must hate being second to his brother, especially because Sebastian said he was intelligent and clearly interested in the crown. Did he think himself more politically affluent than Sargon?

Kalon saw me staring, and a cruel smile ticked up one side of his lip. It was gone before anyone else could notice. How many sorceresses were called Olivia, who happened to be in Sanmorte not long after Nightshade attacked us? Did I look too much like my father, even without the hair? Suddenly I was too aware of my facial features and wanted to hide. Sebastian said Kalon had wicked intuition. We were screwed, and I don’t think even Sebastian had thought too deeply into this. He was at least a shade paler than when we sat down.

A platter of sliced beef, chicken, and some other meats paired with roasted and mashed potato and enough vegetables to keep a farm in business was placed in front of me. I took a serving onto my plate, the only one at the table, and carefully lowered my barrier. Then, as I forked half a potato, I focused my mind on Kalon, shutting out the numbed grief radiating from Sebastian and curiosity from Sargon.

It started as a pinch, then turned dark and heavy. Then, tentatively, I reached out further, not looking away from Kalon as I reached for his mind, and as I was about to touch his emotions, to embrace and feel them as my own, I was shut out and forced back.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood erect. I glanced at Sebastian, who seemed none the wiser to what just happened.

Kalon had to be an empath, like me. How else could he shut me out like that? I thought only sorcerers could have gifts like that, but then I had heard of plenty of mortals who said they possessed the same abilities, maybe not to use it with magic, but to feel what others felt. Was Kalon one of them? Did it carry over when he became a vampire?

He gave me a knowing look, and I froze. He knew who I was. He must have felt my anxiety and fear the second I walked in, and I had no idea. I needed to alert Sebastian, but there was no way to say that something was wrong without alerting Sargon.

I zoned back into the conversation, unaware I had even zoned out in the first place. Sargon and Sebastian discussed politics and business in the city, while Kalon listened, not saying a word.

We were totally screwed.


I barely ate but forced enough down my throat to appear grateful for him providing me food when they didn’t eat it. Then, Sargon demanded Sebastian join him in the throne room for dancing and evening entertainment, and I didn’t want to be left alone, so I joined them.

At Sebastian’s side, I squeezed his hand, shooting him a pleading look. Unfortunately, Sargon remained three steps ahead of us, so all communication had to be non-verbal.

He shrugged me off, seemingly annoyed at my obviousness. Kalon walked a step ahead of us, glancing back once and smiling.

He knows he knows he knows,I screamed in my head, hoping Sebastian could somehow become telepathic. “Darling,” I finally said, earning a raised eyebrow from Sebastian. “I’m feeling a little dizzy. Can you show me where our room is again? This castle is so big.”

Sargon paused, looking behind us. Sebastian wrapped his arm around me. “I will join you shortly. I’m going to escort Olivia back to our room.”

Sargon’s eyes focused on me. “I hope you feel better soon. I’d love for us to get to know each other better, with your wedding coming up soon.”

Kalon stepped back, standing beside me. “I don’t see why young love should wait. We can have a wedding here, at the castle. Sebastian’s always felt at home here, and we can all attend.”

Sargon clasped his hands together. “An excellent idea. We shall begin arrangements.”

I touched my forehead, feeling beads of sweat gathering. “That sounds perfect, thank you, Your Majesty. Excuse me, I apologize.”

Sebastian bowed and then walked me away from the king, his guards, and Kalon. Once we were far enough, I pulled him into an empty parlor room with a bench. Then, closing the door, I leaned over, placing my hand on my knees. “We’re in danger!”

“I made an oversight with your name,” he admitted. “It’s salvageable.”

My fingers trembled as I rested my back against the closed door, feeling a lump form in my throat.

“He knows, Sebastian.” My shoulders tightened as an uneasiness crept through me. I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling beads of sweat forming over my eyebrows. “He’s an empath, like me. When I tried sensing his emotions, he blocked me, and he gave me this look, like he could see right through me, and smiled when no one was looking.”

Hugging my arms around my core, I squeezed, feeling like I’d swallowed a bag of rocks. Every part of me wanted to run, nervous to still be stuck inside these stone walls. Licking my lips, I gazed at Sebastian, my eyes bulging. Why wasn’t he saying anything?