Aiden stepped inside my room, a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. “They’ve gone. We scared them off. The others are outside,” he told Draven, who lowered his weapons. My heart pounded as he turned to look at me and clicked a button from the remote in his pocket, sending the wailing alarm into silence. “We need to leave before they come back.”

“Wait.” My brain faltered as I processed his words. “Were there vampires in my house?”

“Yes.” Aiden grabbed an empty rucksack from my closet and shoved it at my chest. “Pack only what you need for two days.”

“Why did they come here?” I asked, my eyes widening. “Do they know about my mom? About me?” I looked from Draven to Aiden; their expressions said it all. No one but the guild knew we were sorceresses. We had no extended family. My dad had been out of the picture since I was one, and I didn’t even know his name. “How is that possible?”

“We don’t know anything right now. This could be a random attack,” Aiden said, but I knew he was lying.

Why would vampires pick my house out of all the others? Unless more were attacked.

“No more questions. Pack your bag, or I will pack it for you.”

Draven shot me a pleading look. “Please, Olivia. We have to get you out of here.”

“I’m going,” I promised, and bundled handfuls of clothes, pajamas, and toiletries. “Were other houses attacked?”

“Not from what I saw,” Aiden said, confirming my suspicions.

They had targeted my house, meaning they knew. Draven shook his head as I parted my lips to ask another question. I decided to wait until we were at the guild, feeling the rage coming from Aiden. He didn’t say a word as we walked to the black car. Several protectors surrounded us, and I climbed inside.

Draven squeezed my shoulder. I blocked his emotions as his anger spiked my own. The barrier I’d created was like a switch, something I could turn on and off at will, mostly.

The car pulled out of the drive and through the open gate, sweeping us toward the rolling hills where headquarters was based. I looked back through the tinted windows, gripping the beige upholstery under the window, and gazed out into the endless night.

Draven dragged his thumb over the top of my hand. “You’re shaking.”

I laughed flatly. “I’m not even cold.”

“It’s the adrenaline. Focus on your breathing.”

I nodded and glanced at Aiden. “Where’s my mom?”

“Amara’s leading the team in the south of the city.” He turned his focus on Draven. “Once we reach headquarters, take Olivia to the bunkers. Use this.” He handed him a keycard. “They shouldn’t be able to get inside, but we must take precautions.”

Draven nodded, and they both fell silent as Aiden typed into his phone. I twirled my promise ring around my finger, over and over, until it left a mark. I watched hedges blur past the car as we sped down the road between the rolling hills of the countryside.

We slowed as the guild came into view, and I studied the deceivingly quiet view. It seemed like any other night, though it was far from it. Panicked voices shot out of Aiden’s radio, and Draven squeezed my hand. Finally, we pulled into headquarters, and the car door was opened by a man dressed head to toe in navy blue.

“Get her inside,” Aiden ordered, without looking away from his radio.

Draven nodded and escorted me inside. Thick, metal walls curved around, joining up to a dome at the roof, forming a dark, impenetrable building. Half of it was hidden from view, running deep underground. It wasn’t my first time inside, but each time I visited, the fortress stole my breath away.

Keycards got us through the first two thick metal doors. The next was opened using Draven’s fingerprints. I watched as a scanner darted a beam of red into both his eyes, then turned green. The door swung open to the fourth and final door.

This one was protected with magic. I could feel it moving through the steel door like electricity. Draven pressed a stone against the door, which disarmed it the moment obsidian touched the surface. My mom had spelled the stones to disrupt the magic long enough to let guild members through. Once inside the windowless, gleaming white foyer, I marveled at how empty it was. “Wow.”

“Yeah.” Draven’s grip tightened on his gun. “They’re out chasing the vampires. Their numbers have doubled,” he admitted as he walked us to the steep steps leading down to the tunnels. Aiden didn’t even look at me as he followed, pausing at the stairs. “Take her to A14. Stay there until further notice. I have to take care of something.”

“I have my radio and phone,” he said, and Aiden gave him a signal for us to go.

Draven escorted me away. Once we were in the tunnels burrowed underground, alone, I spoke up. “Is this really necessary? I’m just as safe above ground.”

He marched on ahead. “Your safety is paramount. We can’t take any risks.”

“You know I’m claustrophobic.”

“Have you been down here before?”