
“They remind him of a time before all of this. I think being around your kind links him to who he used to be, but then, he never wanted any of this.” She stood, knocking a chair cushion on the ground. “I’ll tell Seb you want to come down. Anna will bring you some clothes.”

“You know—” I stood too. “I wouldn’t hate you coming to see me more too.”

“I’m glad to know you trust me.” She lightly touched the dagger at her side. “However, now I must go. Duty calls.”

I was about to ask her what that meant, but she was already gone. I walked over to the dusty, white dresser and sat in front of a mirror. My green irises had dulled in my time here, and my bloodshot, puffy eyes were proof of how many tears I had shed.

My crimson curls laid limp around my shoulders, and when I pulled a comb through them, chunks fell out. It had to be the stress I’d been under. Fortunately, my hair was pretty thick, so it wasn’t noticeable, but it made me realize I needed to take better care of myself. I just wished I cared enough to listen to that little voice in the back of my mind.

Thoughts of Astor crept in, and I kept pushing them back inside. I didn’t want to think of him and welcomed any distraction to keep myself from feeling the heartache that came with his betrayal. He had been my one and only, my everything, for so long that I didn’t know what to do, knowing it was all a lie.

Yet, despite it all, I still loved him, and I hated that most of all.


After I’d finished my bath and eaten half of the sandwich Anna had brought up, Sebastian knocked on the door. She still barely spoke to me when she did come, but he was right in sending her first. Being around someone who wasn’t a vampire made being here slightly less weird.

“Good, you’re ready,” he said, throwing a red dress on my bed. “Erianna told me you loved playing my girl so much you want to do it again.”

My lips curled behind my teeth. “I only want to get out of this room. If it means tolerating you for a few hours, then so be it.”

“Oh, save some of your charms for our guests tonight.”

I placed a hand on my robed hip. So much for playing nice, but he was so infuriating to be around. Whenever I felt like being sweet to earn his trust, he opened his mouth and thwarted my plans. “I’ll behave.” I gritted my teeth, swallowing my following remark. “Speaking of behaving, I wanted to apologize for my display last night.”

“What display?”

I rolled my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek. “Don’t play dumb.”

His lips curved into a smirk, knowing dancing in his eyes. “I have no idea what you mean.”

“The screaming,” I stated, rubbing the side of my neck.

He leaned against the wall. “Ah, that. Well, you did just find out that boy had betrayed you.”

I wasn’t sure if he was being kind or mocking me, but I was trying to earn his trust, so I didn’t react. “I’m sorry, nonetheless. I promised I wouldn’t cause a scene.”

“Olivia,” he purred, “I never expected you to behave. It’s not really in your nature.” He grinned, amusement sweeping his sharp features. “Besides,” he said, waving a hand dismissively, “lots of mortals lose it here at some point, some publicly. It didn’t attract too much attention.”

“Aren’t you going to ask me about Astor?”

“Didn’t plan on it, unless you wanted to have a heart-to-heart?”

My jaw clenched. “No.”

“Then we can both save ourselves from that talk. I presume you have told Erianna everything she needs to know so she can research him for your safety.”

“We talked.”

“Good.” He clasped his hands together, then rolled up his sleeves.

I eyed his tattoos. “Do they have any meaning?”

“Yes, but that’s a story for another time.” He glanced at the bed. “Put on the dress. You’ll like our guests tonight. They’re not the nicest, but they’re a lot of fun.”

It was doubtful, but I had to play nice. “I do have one question before you go.”