My eyes darted from him to my mom. “For what?”

She cast her eyes downward.

He cleared his throat, smiling with his eyes. “For you to become shadow kissed. I won’t lose you again. You will finally take your rightful place as Princess of Sanmorte.”


“I agreed to your request for saving a traitor to the crown. Now you must stand by your word.” He handed me the veil and kneeled to meet me at eye level. His emerald-green eyes glittered with excitement as he touched my cheek. “My daughter, here, at last.” Brushing his thumb down from the corner of my eye to my mouth, he sighed. “I will never allow anyone to hurt you again.” A smile built slowly on his lips. “My blood is healing you already. You’re going to be magnificent.” He took a lock of my hair between his fingers, and I noticed it was red again. “Everyone has tried to hide you from me, but now you’re here. Azia confirmed it with your blood and dissolved the hair dye they made you wear.” A dangerous glint crossed his expression as he stood, stepping back. “The ceremony will be prepared for Adormai.”

My eyes narrowed. I knew it well, the holiday celebrated for the goddess of the heart, and the night when many got engaged or married, the one which Astor had proposed to me on. “Isn’t that supposed to celebrate love?”

“Exactly, and in front of the entire court, you will declare yourself as my daughter and your love for another.”

I hesitated, half wishing I was back in the dungeon. “Another?”

“Every declared heir must be married,” my mom explained from behind him, her hardened glare fixed on the back of his head, her hand on one hip.

“No,” I spluttered. “I’m good.”

“You will choose a partner before Adormai to take. They will become prince or princess of Sanmorte with you.”

“Kalon isn’t married,” I suddenly realized why Sebastian and Erianna had said marriage was so important in their culture.

“He was, once, but she died.”

I contemplated telling him about Kalon’s plans, but saving Erianna and everyone was more important. “Erianna, Zach, and Anna, I want them saved.”

“I can’t let prisoners go.” Sargon clasped his ringed fingers together. “They are all traitors to the crown and must be punished. I have forgiven his execution as a gift to you, dear daughter, but that is all I can do.”

“What will happen to them?”

“They will have their wings removed and will serve with the other mortals for the court.”

My eyes widened as I imagined an aniccipere sawing off their wings, my heart swelling. Sebastian may have betrayed me, but he didn’t deserve that. None of them did.

“When is Adormai?” I asked, not knowing what day it was.

“It is in five days.” Sargon leaned down and kissed my cheek, then stood. “Hamza will show you to your chambers. I will have a list of suitors sent to you for your inspection.”

“But I don’t love anyone!”

My mom’s jaw clenched. “He doesn’t care about love. All that matters to your father is you choose someone so you can become a princess.”

“Be careful, Ravena. I am still your king.”

Her mouth twisted. “You can’t threaten me. I have nothing more left to lose. You already have our daughter.”

“You are blessed you still have your life,” he stated before turning to me. “I will visit you tomorrow, Seraphina.” He walked out, closing the door behind him, and I slumped against the bed as the name hung unfamiliar around my ears.

Now I understood why it was taking place on the night celebrating love because it would also be my wedding. Sebastian had left out the part about any heirs needing to be married, the liar, but in that cell, I could have sworn he cared. He didn’t want this for me anymore, I could feel it, but then he’d given me up when I told him not to and tried to trade me for his life.

Everything hurt when I stood. My mom helped me across the floor when I fell against her. “Where’s Draven?” I asked as he penetrated my thoughts.

“I kept him safe,” she promised. “I’ve already spoken to him, and he’s agreed to help you.”

“Can’t we still escape?” I asked half-heartedly.

“There’s no way out now. Sargon has guarded the castle heavily.”