“Play with your brother while I settle in, ok?" I handed the device back to Brady.

The boy plopped onto the chair, excited to keep up the winning streak. I picked up my suitcase and was halfway up the stairs when I heard ‘Oh, fudge brownies!’ from Brady while Leon laughed out loud.

Oh, too bad for the little guy. Maybe I could find a game where he stood a chance of winning.

Once I got to the top floor, I took in the expansive corridor and doors that went down one end of the hallway and the other. Which room was the kids’ and which was Shawn’s? I'd probably get to know with time. I focused on letting myself into the room Shawn had directed me to.

My eyes bulged. Just like the living room, this bedroom had a breathtaking view. Not only that, the enormous space had a queen-sized bed. I strolled over to it and plopped down, rubbing the soft sheets between my fingers. Something caught my eye on the nightstand. I picked up a key and a black AMEX card.Huh. I dropped both and headed over to the window.

My head spun, looking out at the tiny hints of life in the distance. It was weird being this high up, but it was for the best. In this high-rise, my ex, Eric, couldn't get to me. He was the reason I abandoned my job and everyone I knew there, moving across the country to Cape Worth on the charity of my friends. I should probably call Kate and Layla to inform them I'd settled in, but I paused to bask in the moment.

I was free of Eric, and there was no way he'd find me here. I was a fantastic teacher, and I'd like to be just as good a nanny. My thoughts returned to my new boss. He appeared stern and unfriendly, but I didn't expect him to be chummy—just fair. A stable paycheck would allow me to save enough money to eventually live on my own and return to teaching.

I breathed deeply and let myself relax. I could do this.



I clutched the steering wheel with my left hand as I swerved through traffic. It'd been a long time since I was out this late. Ever since the boys were born—Brady three years after Leon—I looked forward to going home like my next breath. They kept me busy with their antics when I wasn't working. Once, I'd unintentionally started chuckling when thinking about their shenanigans while in the middle of a serious business deal and had to apologize. I'd never understood what it meant to love someone to the point it filled your every waking moment—until I was blessed with two. Even still, anticipation builds in me to see them. Watching their faces light up when they see me is the most rewarding thing.

From here on out, the traffic thinned, and it was a smooth drive. My mind wandered. Leon and Brady were my world, and naturally, they were the first thing to come to my mind. I exhaled and took a turn. Usually, I'd go home to relieve a babysitter or pick them up from Troy's, my friend who's generous enough to entertain them when I have to stay out late. But today, the new nanny was with them.

Violet Emmerson.

Her face flashed in my head, and for a millisecond, I was distracted. I brought myself back and shook my head. She was an interesting woman for sure. At first, I wanted someone who had worked as an actual nanny, but none were available. Then Layla, Troy's fiancé, introduced me to Violet, who was a former teacher. At least that counted for something. She must know how to deal with kids. Leon and Brady were good kids. They listened to instructions and were relatively calm, but still, they were just kids. They needed someone to watch them. At first, I doubted Violet would be up to the task. When we first met, she'd relied on Layla to speak on her behalf, and when she addressed me, she looked away occasionally. I needed someone who could hold their own with two active boys. Despite being agreeable most of the time, Leon and Brady fell into their moods as all kids did, and being my sons, they could be rambunctious. Layla, though, assured me her friend was able to fill the role. When I couldn't find anyone else, I finally called and offered her the job. Tonight would determine if I’d made the right decision in hiring her.

One thing I couldn't wrap my head around, though, was why she left her teaching job to become a nanny. On that first day, I'd been quite distracted and rushed through the interview. Now, I realized neither Layla nor Violet had mentioned why she'd left her job. That seemed important to know. I'd urgently needed someone to care for the boys, and had overlooked that question. If she had done something the school deemed wrong, I'd like to know what and if it would affect how she took care of my kids. I would ask Troy and Layla. They should know something about her situation.

I maneuvered around a bend in the road and came to the final stretch that led home. I could already imagine the cool, comfy bed waiting for me.

I slowed down as I arrived at my building. The garage gate opened automatically, and I parked by the other cars. In no time, I was in the elevator and heading upstairs. The boys usually went to bed early, but I wondered if the nanny had kept them awake to see me. I wondered if she was awake. I arrived at the top floor, and the elevator shut behind me as I reached my door.

My key slid in, and the door cracked open. I walked in, and the dimly lit, quiet space indicated the boys were likely already asleep. Soft sounds came from the living room, so maybe Violet was still awake. I dropped my keys in the tray and started shrugging off my jacket, heading toward the muted TV sounds.

A clatter came from the kitchen, and I turned in that direction. My brow went up. Was that Violet? Curious, I moved toward it. Caution halted my steps. I heard a frantic movement and pressed forward. What was happening in there?

I stopped before the door, squinting to make out any figures.

Everything was shrouded in darkness, but I knew someone was in there. Most likely Violet. It made no sense why she would be stumbling around in an unlit kitchen, but I was about to find out. Stepping into the space, I reached for the switch. Light flooded the kitchen. My gaze darted around quickly and then fell on Violet, holding a frying pan in front of her. She gasped and raised the pan. Instinctively, I raised my hand and stopped the pan mid-air. She looked past the pan and our eyes caught. Was she about to deck me with it?

"You," she gasped, let go of the pan, and sagged against the wall.

“Violet?” What was this about? I took in her edgy appearance, and my annoyance boiled close to the surface.

Breath sawed in and out of her open mouth, face flushed, eyes like saucers staring up at me.

“What the hell are you doing?” The words tore out of me.

She looked from me to the frying pan and straightened, tucking her hair back. Shaking her head slowly as if working off the confusion, she said, “I heard a noise. I thought someone was trying to break in.”

My brows drew down. “Me, Violet.Iwas trying to get in because it'smyhouse.”

“Well, I didn't know that!” Her voice rose an octave, and she took long steps back, running her hands through her hair. "It's late. I didn't expect...I assumed..."

"Next time, don't make reckless assumptions," I bit out. Anger simmered through me now that the reality of the situation dawned, sitting in my chest fully. "You could have broken my goddamn nose. What were you thinking?” I threw the frying pan onto the counter, and it clanged in the quiet kitchen.

She jumped, pressing a hand to her chest. She stepped back, staring at me as if I could come at her any second.